~AA GABRIEL ~ Weekly message ~

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October 27, 2011


AA GABRIEL ~ Weekly message ~ October 27, 2011


Beloved Ones,

I would like to have discourse on the quality of Love called Unity. This quality of Love encompasses the use of your divine and human faculties of discernment and inner knowing which combine together into a powerful grouping of thoughts, ideas, and concepts that are embraced by those of like mind and taken to a level wherein these groupings combine to create a unified field that effortlessly moves those thoughts, ideas and concepts to a whole new level. By doing this, a higher consciousness is accepted within this combined field to create a domino effect that then spreads out into ever greater and greater acceptance within the collective consciousness of Humanity.

Unity implies a general consensus of understanding of a certain vision or desire that is given mental and emotional attention, employing many inner tools to achieve. It requires concentration and visualization skills, emotional intention to give it power and impetus and a feeling of certainty (belief) that what is universally desired can be caused to come into effect by these actions. Many great and wondrous things have been created in this way. There is an element of magic and alchemy to these practices as in effect one thought embraced by many people gathered together can make that thought a certain reality.

Each of you ARE these magicians and alchemists as you gather together to create the World that you desire with all your hearts, which desire creates in outer manifestation. There is great power in employing unified desire to achieve a new state of Being and a new way of life. Gathering together in your physical bodies is very powerful as then all participants partake of the higher energy that manifests through the group efforts just as gathering together with an intention on a consciousness basis no matter where you may reside on the Earth takes this concept to an even greater and higher level where results become manifest more quickly and noticeably.

As you gather in groupings, whether physically or in consciousness intent, a ripple effect is created which goes forth into the atmosphere of your Planet to transform all energy to a higher frequency and vibration. This is what a Unity of consciousness can accomplish in a short period of time. It can be likened to one match being lit, then another and another and so on which creates a greater and greater Light that spreads out in a blaze that ignites all the matches around it in a giant combustion of greater Light which then can be seen clearly from greater distances.

Each of you are as those individual matches (Light) who come together in Unity and Love to create great and sweeping changes in your World. Be in Unity as often as is possible as wondrous events take place in your lives and on your Planet.

I leave you now to ponder these thoughts and embrace you all in my energy field in Unity and Love.

I AM Archangel Gabriel

©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff

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