~The theme of this walkway as you make your way to another portal is CONFIDENCE. This is the moment when all of you will breathe confidence, think confidence and be confidence. As the old patterns of your daily lives begin to slowly fade into the background, you will shed the skin like a snake born anew and arrive at the Portal of August 25th a new born infant. ~ ——Greetings dearly beloved ones. Greetings dear children of light and love and the creation of all that is. Yes finally you have walked through one of the gates only to find yourself in the midst of a walkway that will lead you through into another gate which is within your reach and is coming your way shortly.
Let us begin by saying that all of you have finally grown the wings, the wings of freedom, love and understanding. The wings that will allow you to soar up to new heights and to finally master the creator within. And so, we wish to say onto you now that in the next few weeks of your time, many of you will begin to feel that your wings are growing beyond your current state of comprehension.
Each moment, each day will assure to you tha
t you are making the right steps in creating the kind of future that you wish for yourselves. With each step you will feel yourself more and more confident, walking steadily along your path of creation, walking steadily along the path of enlightenment, stability and perseverance.
your way to another portal is CONFIDENCE. This is the moment when all of you will breathe confidence, think confidence and be confidence. As the old patterns of your daily lives begin to slowly fade into the background, you will shed the skin like a snake born anew and arrive at the Portal of August 25th a new born infant.Today you begin the journey of YEAR ONE of your birth. And so, each moment you take we will be right there walking along with you, sending you messages to expand your conscience and to assist you on your journey into the present moment of NOW. As you walk forward look not back nor ahead, but remain in the moment of NOW , enjoying, savoring each sensation , each sight, each sound of life that unfolds before your very eyes. Enjoy this moment of Now, the moment that has been created by YOU.
We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.
AA Metatron – Channeled by Anna Merkaba – Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker.
You Can Join us Live On August 25th for a Global Meditation for Peace On the Planet, Room will Open at 9:00am Pacific, Meditation will begin at 11:11am Pacific at this Link In the 5d Room
Great Message
Now that feels right. Good medicine!