AA Uriel ~ Time to Cross the Threshold

Lia's picture


As far as current energies and happenings, things may seem to be a bit unsettled for some, a bit difficult in many ways.  This is because it is the last few weeks before the equinox and is a time when many things are ‘shaking loose’ and becoming (or for some – continuing to be) unsettled.  This is the universe’s little push to try to get you to release ALL that does not serve you in whatever form that may be.  We know this phrase has been repeated ad nauseum – yes, we are sick of it as well but nonetheless it is true.  It is now, beloved – that time is upon you – truly on your doorstep and to push the door and walk through to the next experience, you cannot be carrying all of that baggage. 


We are on the threshold – it is only four months until 12-21.  You also may have notice in the news that there are many people passing on.  It was said previously that not all would choose to complete the journey or be able to do the work and would choose to leave instead.  This is what you will see happening at this time and we anticipate this will accelerate in the coming months and there will be a couple of very surprising deaths.  It will be repeated many times – ‘I can’t believe so and so died’.  But, this is their free will choice and all who choose to go will be assisting on the other side.  So, what will you choose – will you open the door, drop your burdens and boldly cross over the threshold or will you keep your feet firmly planted on this side of the door – the choice is yours.  We hope you go through and we will be waiting on the other side with open arms.  Until then…


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