I am very grateful dear Guest for your comments and directions...
Indeed, we are here all for the same reason... this will be one of the last discernment that we have to make... Does he coming or not?... Is he here or there already?... Is Maitreya real, or just another bed time story?... Is God within or somewhere out?... Is God HE or SHE?...
It is always up to US to discern, and to recognize where God is coming from... It was always only up to US to claim our own godhead, and not to take other words for granted...
Yes, we have to be informed but fully know that these are only a crumbs on our path to FatherMotherGod... Some of these crumbs we will find easy, as they are bigger and flashy, and these could lead us astray from the hidden path, yet we feel we are still on the path, even we feel kind of cheated or confused...
Yet other small and almost invisible crumbs will shine much brighter light from our own heart... and show us path to our inner truth...
Enlightenment comes from within, and not from any prophets contemporary or ones from the past....
Are you dismissing Nostradamus, or Edgar Casey or Madame Blavatsky, or Jesus, or Buddha if they made some of predictions that did not happened exactly as they were written?... How you can be sure that they wrote what you are reading these days?...
Or even better, do you call them charlatans because they dared to state what they see at these times, or even better, can you maybe, just be simply grateful that with what you hear from their writings are simple crumbs on your own path toward Ascension as a whole?...
I am simply grateful for all these posts, ancient scrolls, bible's, myths, ancient stories, teachings ['good' or 'bad'...] and personal contacts that I had in my life... and I see all of these simply as Crumbs on PATH TOWARD LOVE...
With Love, Predrag