The Act of 1871 – The American Scam Revealed – 17 August 2012

glr_Andrea's picture

Uploaded by WebFlixsGuy on 17 January 2012. This video is on several blogs I just refer to the uploader and the credits on the video end. It is a short but great history lesson.


Thanks Lucas


The Act of 1871 – The American Scam Revealed

jerry don martin's picture

OUCH that really hurts, right after the judge sent me to AA, and i follow the 12 steps, i learned IRS is a big fat lie, i told a few hundred people in the San Fran Bay area, most were not willing to hear the Truth, 12 people i did help get there money/home/business/etc Back from the irs.

then reading the course in Miracles i had to stop, as it cause Anger, i gave my franchise to a friend, whom disapeared, the guy teaching truth is under the S.F. Jail, they will not take him to court, they would have to set him FREE.

thank's to the galactic federation of light to come here to help us regain our Freedoms... 

are we done yet...?????

give love, thanks for the hard life, I forgive them and send them all love and light and know they did not truly do it to i.

how about congressmen/women, get retirement pay after one term, what happen to vouluteer to help the people??

are we ther yet


planet awesum's picture

this is great! thank you!