An act of kindness Welland Neighbourhood Project promotes 200 Acts, 200 Hours

Phil Rowen's picture 


One good turn deserves another.
With this in mind the Welland Neighbourhood Project (WNP), a grassroots community building organization in Welland’s Plymouth-Cordage neighbourhood, is urging residents to undertake just one act of kindness with 200 Acts, 200 Hours. Specifically the program asks attendees to the WNP’s family day trips to undertake one act of kindness with a goal of reaching 200 total across 200 hours.
“It stems from the family day trips,” said WNP project coordinator Carolyn Fast. She explained the WNP regularily holds day trips to attractions both inside and outside Niagara for families from Princess elizabeth, Matthews, Plymouth and St. Mary schools who may not be able to afford such opportunities.
“The city has been very generous,” she said, explaining Welland taxpayers contribute $15,000 annually through the city to cover the trips. With that in mind Fast launched 200 Hours, 200 Acts after an Aug. 11 trip to the Toronto Zoo. She encouraged all 300 attendees to undertake just one act and post it on the WNP website.
“It’s really an opportunity to say thank you,” she said, adding, “we all have so much to give.”
The initial 200 hours turned up 21 acts of kindness so Fast is relaunching the program with a new 200-hour timer set to expire next Tuesday.
Acts already on the website range from volunteering, to helping an elderly neighbour to donating to area food banks. Some are as simple as making a grilled cheese sandwich for a loved one.
“It’s just the little idea of what could happen by next Tuesday,” she said, adding even the smallest acts of kindness can have a ripple effect. Acts can be posted at
