Action Alert! Time Sensitive! Save Our Forests From Uncontrolled Logging!

Ra-Raela's picture

Please sign this petition by tomorrow, the 18th. Your voice counts! Our forests and the animals that live in them are important!

Audubon logo | ACTION ALERT




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Dear Carolin,

We just learned that the U.S. House is pushing another wolf in sheep's clothing—a combination of various ill-advised and very damaging legislative proposals, all of which promote destructive logging and industrialized development across vast swaths of our pristine public lands. A vote on this terrible bill could happen as soon as tomorrow afternoon.

Logging and other development activities would take place on our public lands with little or no public input and would hand over control of federal land management to the States. With its unsustainable logging and industrialized development requirements, this bill would mandate destruction of the benefits that our public forest lands provide, such as clean drinking water, recreation, and bird and wildlife habitat. 

Please urge your House member to oppose HR 1526, the misnamed "Healthy Forests for Healthy Communities Act." This bill will promote out-of-control logging and development on our public forests. 

The bill also attacks the Endangered Species Act, requiring the Agriculture Secretary to find a "no jeopardy" outcome regardless of whether destructive activities will in fact harm endangered species and their habitats. We could list many additional egregious elements in this bill, but the bottom line is it must be stopped. 

Let your House member know you strongly oppose HR 1526 and let him or her know you want a NO vote for this awful piece of legislation.



Great Gray Owl | MarclSchauer/Shutterstock


The Great Gray Owl needs healthy forests to survive.



Email your House member today to vote NO on HR 1526.




photo of David Yarnold



David Yarnold
President and CEO

