A very, very, very good friend offered to facilitate a Raindrop Technique session on me today since my back has been sore for 3 weeks and I allowed that to happen. Raindrop Technique is a process of applying essential oils to the feet, spine and back to assist with cleansing bacteria, viruses, etc., from the lymph nodes along the spine and removing toxins and other reminants from injuries, etc. While packing my essential oils, I was inspired to grab some other oils that are not typically part of the process. Off I went to meet her.
We are like grade school girls together, all giddy, giggly, happy - which is one of the reasons why I love her so much - other than we've been together many lifetimes before and we just reunited earlier this year once again.
I mentioned to her that I brought additional oils and brought them out. I reached in my bag and grabbed Micromeria Essential Oil which is distilled from plants in Israel. She said to me "Oh, you brought that for me" and I opened the bottle and handed it to her. She applied a two drops to her heart and crown and handed back the oil to me.
I saw standing about 3 feet from her and could feel energy buzzing about my neck area and looked at her. She had wide eyes and said "I can feel this buzzing in my chest and it felt like a flower opened up and energy shot up through my crown." I opened the bottle and inhaled it and put a drop on my crown as well and instantly felt the same thing. It was like a spinning in my heart area, following by what felt like a flower opening and then energy went up through my crown and I visualized the energy going up through the new chakra's.
The chart of the new chakra's, it felt like the energy opened in #6 and went up through all the way to #13.
The feeling was amazing, joy and peace like we've never felt. She mentioned that I'm more aware and awake than I've ever been and I agree. The experiences following that for me were amplified 100 fold. Everything was delicious in the touch during the Raindrop Technique. The sky on the way home was full of color, everything was beautiful. I was both excited, calm and peaceful.
Another friend heard us talking about what were feeling and she came to try it as well and experienced something very similar. The three of us in a room formed a triangle and we could feel the energy between us just buzzing. This was intense, powerful and pleasurable.
This is a newer oil in the offerings and we were told earlier this year to take the oils home, use them and report back on what we find or experience. I've used this particular oil earlier this year and the experience was not anything like this. There was little information given to us on this particular oil so we did not know if this as a lower or higher frequency oil and did not know if it would affect spiritual or the physical.
I think the Divine plan was to bring this oil to us as a tool to help us in the ascension process as I mentioned my experience with this oil earlier this year was nothing like this.
We apparently were at a point that this oil opened us up to new experiences that we were all grateful for. We were buzzing around that office afterward, just rejoicing in what we experienced and made everyone that came in the center following go into the room where we used it along with the Raindrop as this one oil seemed to overtake the other 9 that are used and it was so powerful - not strong, but above all, there was something new in the air.
We are just having a grand ole time with our essential oils, or God's in a bottle..... They are powerful and now are an important part of our ascension path. Yes, we could do it without them, but why? Probably only drugs could have made us all feel the way we did today, other than this precious oil.
I am so THANKFUL to be here to experience the deliciousness of our awakening and ascension process. I now know I've done this before, but not the details. I am thrilled beyond words for this opportunity to return Gaia to her beauty and all the magnificient souls here to help raise the consciousness of the entire Galaxy.