Activity increases at Guatemala’s Pacaya Volcano

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The Extinction Protocol-July 26,2013

July 26, 2013GUATEMALA - Seismic and surface activity have increased during the past days, characterized by the appearance of continuous tremor and more frequent strombolian explosions, the latest special bulletin of INSIVUMEH notes. This suggests a batch of fresh magma is currently rising. The Guatemalan scientists think that it is likely that strombolian activity will increase and perhaps a lava flow will appear on the flanks of the volcano in the coming days. Already, the intra-crater cone has surpassed the rim of the crater by 4 meters and is now visible from outside. – Volcano Discovery
Volcanic activity: Meanwhile, form Indonesia, mild strombolian activity is taking place from the intra-crater cone of the (67) Raung Volcano, a recent photo shows. Tungurahua (Ecuador) For 24 July, IGPEN reports an eruption column of steam and ash reaching 5 km above the crater drifting into westerly directions. During the past night, a further rise in activity has likely occurred, as the increasing tremor signal suggests. Weak to moderate explosion sounds could be heard overnight and ash fall was reported from El Manzano, Choglontus, Puela, Cahuaji, and in the sectors of Cevallos, Quero and Mocha. Heard (Australia, Southern Indian Ocean): A single hot spot is again visible at the summit crater. It is not known what activity exactly occurs there, but it could be that there is a small lava lake or strombolian-type activity from the crater at Dawson Peak. Reventador (Ecuador): Activity remains at high levels, characterized by small explosions and the likely effusion of lava flows. Unfortunately, near-constant cloud cover makes direct observations difficult. (68) Galeras Volcano (Colombia): A magnitude 3.2 earthquake occurred under the volcano yesterday morning. The quake was felt by some nearby residents. Weak ash emissions were reported from the volcano on July 5, 2013.  –Volcano Discovery

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