ADAMA Speaks About Twin Flames & God Realization ~ 31 December 2011 by Erin Mackley

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Adama Speaks About Twin Flames & God Realization
31 December 2011 - 7:22am |  erinmackley
Love Reporter Erin Mackley

original post:

by Erin Mackley

    I spoke with Adama, who is an Ascended Master and High Priest of Telos, a Subterranean City of Light,  about this topic. He taught me more about twin flames and God-realization and the self.
    I feel part of the quest for the Twin Flame emerges from our desire to balance our Divine Feminine and Masculine qualities.  In Telos, they hold a collective vibration of pure, natural, complete expression of the Divine Feminine energies united with the Divine Masculine. Adama and others in Telos  project this expression to inspire us to do the same - it is how they are helping us to to grow.  One of the beautiful traits Adama conveys is healing for the feminine soul, as he is a man who carries a full awareness of the presence of the Divine Mother in his heart.  This is one of the reasons I chose Adama as a teacher - he is a Master who identifies physically as a man and yet conveys the heart of male and female energy.  Something in me is looking for this ideal, and it is in fact the direction human consciousness is moving in - to fully integrate the masculine and feminine into balance.
    I have grown in my spiritual journey to let go of romantic ideals, and turn all the passion of my heart to the Divine.  I know that if I encounter someone with whom I share a profound connection, that the experience is also pointing us both toward the Divine.  I know that is what we are all looking for, is union with our Divine Self - not another person.

Adama has something to say:

    Greetings, Beloved Ones.  There are a lot of people who are in pain, because of disappointing relationships in their past, and I am compassionate toward this.  I invite you all to take my hand, and to let my energy warm you, warm your soul, and let this be a pleasant experience for you.
    I do recognize you as equals, who are on this amazing journey of self-realization, and the courage it takes to be strong in your societies which have been filled with extreme patriarchy, and the effects this has on one's perception of womanhood and manhood, is something we in the Light Cities are sympathetic to!
    Of course, our hearts are with you.  I feel the pain in your hearts.  I do not stand on the side, passive, with my offerings of love to you all, but I join you on your journeys through life, and also I know what it feels like to feel the pain of the third dimension.
    Should you come to me with this feeling that I or another Master is your Twin Flame, you need to understand there is more to the Soul's existence than this Twin Flame ideal.  Focusing over-much on the Twin Flame connection can be counterproductive.  With any person, including me, you can have a relationship that transcends the idea of  "Twin Flame" and moves beyond all concepts of sexuality and romance, and reaches straight to the heart of the Soul, where all concepts of duality vanish.  This is God-Realization.  This is what I have been teaching you lately, to look beyond what appears on the surface and I offer to help you break though the mind's perception of what a Twin Flame and a soul relationship looks like.


    The teachings of the recent past have been circulating the idea of a twin soul or Twin Flame that matches your vibration as no other could. What an idealized, fantastic concept, that many see in actuality occurring for them.  So wonderful, but have you thought that God could provide you with more?  With more than a relationship as an ultimate expression of Oneness?
    What I am talking about is the experience of the higher aspects of your own self.
    I am Adama, and your consciousness reaches far out into the stars, and beyond this to God.  Your Twin Flame or any kind of relationship, or person, or presence, or name, are all stripped to nothing next to THIS PRESENCE of the Holy Spirit, the Divine Spark within each of your beings, and the no personality of an Ascended Master nor anyone else can approach that beauty and magnificence, and no Twin Flame aspect that appears to your eyes to come through anyone could ever approximate this divinity of your Soul.
    What I am saying is, FIND GOD, and your soul will find peace, everlasting joy.
    I work with souls as a mirror of their consciousness.   I am reflecting you at all moments.
    What Lemuria, and I, represent is the heart of the Divine. One of the practical lessons to understanding oneself is to let go of needing to be defined by another being, whether it be Jesus or Krishna or Buddha or any personification of deity.
    Mistakes or errors in judgment or perception is okay.  I have made many mistakes on my long life's journey.  We all have choices to make and that is how individuals and the collective grows.
    Also, when your heart turns to me, know that you are becoming more integrated with your masculine and feminine within.  This is an important aspect of working with the Lemurian energy, because your soul wishes to balance the male and female.  You are, of course, infinite expressions of masculine and also feminine in all moments, so defining yourself through this split of male and female can be counterproductive, and searching for a Twin Flame element has limitations.  You are so much more than this.
    Through me as a looking-glass, find for yourself a model of divine, balanced expression.  Find for yourself all the love you have been withholding from yourself all these many incarnations.
    As your mirror, I reflect back to you all of your love.  I also allow you to see your insecurities, but the love of my heart is strong, in support of your healing them fully, along with many others.  This is a process of Ascension.
    We will speak more in the future, blessed one, and for all, know I, Adama, am available to be your divine reflection.
    Don't forget who you are really, working towards realizing your nature as God.  This is your goal, always.  Twin Flame re-uniting is secondary.

