AdaptingToGrace – Eileen Meyer – Chaco Canyon – Our Ancient Future, Part 1 – 29 June 2013

Doreen Smith's picture

28 Friday Jun 2013


In my last post I let you in on my feelings and intentions that followed a strong message to have an inter-dimensional meetup in Chaco Canyon.

I did it. And yet… it is not done. In the next few posts, I will loosely frame my 24-hour experience with the highlights, and over time, as I integrate, I will attempt to fill in the blanks. The actual visit to Chaco Canyon was only the beginning of new data and understandings that I am unravelling as I continue to research some of the “clues” that I was given about this sacred site, and I expect I will continue to receive well into the future. These insights have little to do with what is printed on the brochure or the “known” anthropology of the region. I ignore all that stuff and allow the land and the sky to speak directly to me. The synchronicities around how all of this is arriving in my life is a fantastic story in and of itself. We’ll just say that life is unfolding… I am unfolding in a different way since I showed up in that “intersection” that I was shown in my mind’s eye a few weeks ago.  Even though it is not my first trip to this sacred site (once in 2005), I am now in greater understanding that Chaco Canyon and surrounding areas are one of several inter-dimensional portals on Earth.


Taos Ceremony



I did not make this trek alone. I was there with Eduardo Griego – a Mayan Priest and dear soul companion on Earth. We have journeyed to other places together in our lives – one being Guatemala where he was my teacher and guide as I walked and initiated on the Mayan Fire Path in 2002 in Tikal. And of course, Bodhi-Dog was with us – a real team player and trooper in the extreme, scorching desert environs. Bodhi is both a jolly and wise soul. One of his many gifts is to act as a grounding rod for these mind and heart-expanding adventures.

I will begin with the day before the trip to Chaco, June 25, 2013.
Awakened with an ET Dream:

I was with a group of people. They were “different”… with a feel of hippies (beatniks?) or free-thinkers. All of them were artistic or designer types so I felt comfortable with them. I would hang out with them sort of peripherally and then in conversation – weaving back and forth – both inside and outside on the street.


Close to how the dream lion-being looked

They took me to a place where they had a very unusual friend. He looked even more different than them. He moved differently and didn’t speak verbally, tho I could understand him in my heart-mind. This being had long golden hair and seemed lion or cat-like. I began hanging out with this group of hippies and the lion-being more and more.

I was on the street when I watched them slowly drive by – going somewhere with a purpose. I wondered why I hadn’t been invited. Next thing I knew I was with them in the building they always go to. It was a giant, open, warehouse-looking, high-ceiling, one room area. We all sat on the couch and talked about design and decorating of the place. They had made some progress already on the window coverings. The lion-being wasn’t as interested in that but always seemed busy – like a mad scientist. He had these powers of speeding up time and manipulating physical reality. There was a blue, square doorway up on a loft-like platform that he would send the group through in literally a flash. I would just patiently wait until they returned.

I found myself wondering what I had to do to be a part of that… to go through the blue square. Before I could finish my thought, the lion-being levitated me up and sent me through the blue passageway. The feelings of moving through the doorway in no-time, and then being in the reality on the other side are indescribable, but I was completely elated and invigorated by it. It was a shifting of dimensional reality. I landed in an entirely different time and place. I could not have LOVED it more.

(For you numerology buffs) I awoke to the clock digits: 747

Arrival at Chaco Canyon – June 26, 2:30pm – It’s hotter’n blazes. I’ll close out this post with two fun synchronicities:


I shared a poem in my last post. One of the images I referenced was a childhood memory of playing in the sandbox near the flowers and honey bees, and having my “other-dimensional friends” just appear there. I was always happy to see them.  I considered them more my “family” than my human family. They would chat with me as I routinely scooped up sand and poured it into pots and cupcake pans. So… you can imagine my surprise when we arrived to our very own campsite sandbox. According to the camp host these were a new and improved feature just added days


before our arrival to offer a bit more comfort under the tent floor and sleeping bags – a welcome campsite luxury! Not long after we began to pitch the tent, four ravens flew in from the North, perched above our campsite, and greeted us in their very loud and enthusiastic way. I don’t remember seeing them again until we began tearing down the tent. Once again they arrived and sat on the very same towering columns of stone and issued forth their raucous goodbyes.

Finally, I leave you with this sychronicity. The ravens weren’t the only guardians of the campsite. Much to our surprise, we had another friend perched high above. My very own lion was lying directly above the campsite.

Lion Over our tent

More to come… / link to original article
