ADHD Does Not Exist: Why French Children Don’t Have ADHD

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Take this in:

In the United States alone, at least 9 percent of kids are diagnosed with ADHD and are being treated with different kinds of pharmaceutical medications. The design of our school system is horribly outdated and provides little benefit in comparison to how transformative it could truly be.

Imagine schools like this, which funnily enough James Cameron created; that allow you to create whatever you want.

Your teachers should be in support of what you want to do in life. Classrooms should be outside or at least in different, stimulating places.

Children should not be forced to sit in class rooms every day – it is completely keeping them from understanding their full potential.

This education system is in place for a very specific reason, and it’s all connected to the pharmaceutical and governmental systems.

Now, the percentage of children with ADHD in France is dramatically less at less than .5 percent. 

So what is going on here?
