Adjusting to the New Earth in TRUTH

Lia's picture

There has been much “hype” around the influx of the New Earth energies and much emphasis has been placed upon the both the date and the equinox. This creates “expectation” and this is a tool of the old earth in that the expectation is that something “amazing” will happen to you. Something amazing IS happening to you but at the rate of unfolding that is beyond the perception of the human logical mind. I cannot highlight enough the need to look beyond what APPEARS to be your life experience for the waking reality is moving at a slightly different rate than you are moving at at an energy level. The transition process that many have now begun seeks to align BOTH the waking reality and the energy that you are to the SAME SPEED of unfolding. Again this is something that is well beyond the range of the human logical mind and the human eyes. This may allow frustration to set in if it is not put in check, how do you put this in check? by moving fully into the heart space and listening to the HEART and not the human logical mind. To those around you today you will APPEAR to be the same person, but in TRUTH nothing is the same for ALL on and upon this planet have taken a leap in ENERGETIC signature.

How this will now play out in your outer waking reality is now fully at your fingertips. As the old earth dissolves then it is no longer able to be used as a foundation to build from at any level, including unconscious level. This is something that is often filtered out by those who are focused solely on those who are awakening and able at human conscious waking mind level to interpret what is unfolding across and within this planet. So those of you who are here in an “awakening” role are not in that role necessarily for those who are deemed awake, your role is wider than this, your role is to LIVE TRUTH to show the “unawakened” ( for want of a better human word) TRUTH and to show them there is nothing to fear. Human words alone no longer enough at this frequency level and level of rapid unfolding.

It is all too easy to filter out the “general” public and to somehow categorise them, many are filtering out that to even term people “awake” or “asleep” is also a tool of the old earth, it is DIVISIVE, we are moving towards and within an EXPANSIVE INclusive way of living this the human life experience. I talk often of the need to let go of all the 3d earth and all that you are taught in relation to how human society works. This is something that many are filtering out but there is a need to become MORE consciously aware of how society is set up and how you interact with it. Then you can choose to dissolve the frequencies that are trying to anchor within you. Under the New Earth energetic signature choices are now CLEAR.

Let me use an example to explain how ingrained some of the teachings of distortion around exclusivity which in TRUTH is sectioning of human society to created a divide, is. Earlier today I decided to eat some yoghurt, over the past few weeks I have become VERY aware of the hidden messages in advertising and especially labels, the realms/race highlighting so much for me. Now idly placing the carton back into the fridge saw me rest my eyes for a moment on the little label on the corner which read “made using BRITISH milk”. Now on the surface this appears to be helpful but in TRUTH is devisive and seeks to contain and suppress me at a human conscious waking mind level. For a) it is reminding me what nationality I am, b) by stating this is alluding to this nationality being somehow better than any other c) gives the impression that somehow all other milk from other countries is something to be in fear of. All from a little label. That little label is often filtered out, what it does is work to RE-ANCHOR the teachings that are already in place within you.

I realise that I may trigger many in this blog but again would ask you to look at the triggering that takes place, all triggering shows there is a hidden teaching playing out. Why is it under the old earth that when you are asked to fill in forms you are asked over and over for your nationality, where were you born etc . who puts down EARTH?????? The human race are born on planet earth, yet are taught to define themselves to the point of where they incarnated onto the planet earth. This is done to further division of the human race. It is THIS that now seeks to dissolve fully and which many will continue to hold on to as a reference point but will no longer be a reference point.

It is now time to begin to RE-UNITE the world on all levels and not just within a “spiritual” community, that in itself divisive, much jargon is used in spiritual circles that I do not use in any of my material and if I do is fully explained. It is time for TRUTH and transparency, that cannot be achieved when those who are more aware in the world see themselves as somehow above or beyond the rest of the human race, without those playing the ROLES of being asleep those awake could not have awakened. ALL ARE ONE and ALL ARE.

As a race the human race now stand on the verge of aligning with ALL races/realms, it is now time for the human race to let go of the need to control those around them and allow ALL to BE as they wish to BE. ALL JUST IS and YOU ARE.


(c) Karen Doonan, all rights reserved.
