After Effects of the 11~11~11… | Kauilapele’s Blog

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After Effects of the 11~11~11… | Kauilapele’s Blog






Kauilapele and Sun at Mauna LoaIn the Laura SaLuSa post, I mentioned this about my personal 11-11-11:

“…on the 11-11-11, at 1:11 PM, I was at a point above the ocean where I was “performing” a ceremony, where I was shown a large dome of Light over the ocean. It was actually a sphere of Light, half above, and half below, the ocean. A sphere of Light. A dome of Light. That’s what was being “done”, this sphere/dome of Light, was dissolving the protective glass dome which “the cabal” (with our cooperation) has put in place over our minds, for decades.”

And in the Carl Calleman post (which won’t be up until 1:13 AM HST (1113 UTC)), I said (or, “will say”):

“…which is why, I’m quite sure, many of us, who were born into, and learned to operate under, and to “deal with”, the duality “systems of dominance” (political, economic, relationships, et al.), find it very difficult anymore to continue to be “in” or “around” those systems (whatever “in” may mean to each) anymore… This “clearly a minority” ['who has taken an interest in the Mayan calendar and the spiritual fate of humanity'] group undoubtedly includes the “many of us” mentioned above (who are alsohumble enough to actually admit they are over 25). Many of us have dropped out of those “duality ‘systems of dominance’”, as much as we felt we could…

So that is my piece here. Today has reflected what I spoke of above, namely, feeling like indeed I have really “dropped out of those “duality ‘systems of dominance.’”” And the body today has been one of feeling physically completely out of it.

To bed at 1 AM, get up 8:30, feed kitties, go right back to bed, ’til 10:30, do some things, go back to bed at maybe 12:30, get up at 2:00, go back to bed at 3:00, then get up at 4:30, close my windows and door, and shut out the world, until making a nice thick avocado rice noodle Louisiana spiced doen-jang ko-choo-jang sausage soup at 7:00 PM. The latter a very non-vegan, highly Spiritual soup. Gets juices flowing.

I talked to no one all day (oops, pardon, I did talk with the kitties). What I’m writing now is the only speaking with humans I’ve done.

Often I feel there is a need to stay totally a-part from others, and im-part (or participate-in) with Self. And that Self today has been very direct with Self, that Self wanted to be withSelf, and with Self alone.

“Self” alone had some time to process “stuff”. Since it seems I have physically slept maybe 12 1/2 hours today, there has also been a lot of that “best way for our being together for now,… through your dream state” time (according to the Laura SaLuSa post). I feel that’s really why I was out. That Laura post also said this:

“The best way for our being together for now, is through your dream state. This is a time when you come and visit us freely, and a time when we can work on your bodies as far as downloads of information and upgrades on ethereal levels are concerned. We are touched by the level of sensitivity and alertness which allows you to make your feelings and intentions know to us, even though, for many of you, you are still in doubt regarding our existence. This we understand fully, and share a sense of frustration with you.”

So… What I can tell you is that I have felt rather validated by what was said in these two posts, by SaLuSa (Laura ’s) and Carl. Because, honestly, I am tired of this world as it is, and as it has been. I am tired of trying to fit into ANY SINGLE PART of those “duality ‘systems of dominance’” that still are running around this planet. Even though now, I sense that it is that these systems are coming to a close, rapidly, and, because I am one of those energetically “sensitive” minority types Calleman mentions, perhaps that is why I felt so tired today.

So this 11-11-11, from my own individualized hue-man-unit perspective, was exactly as it was. That is it. A door (portal) through which we all walked, somehow, some way.


Towards the point where we all become conscious of our individualized Hue-Man-Unit-Y with each other, with this planet, with this Cosmos.


After Effects of the 11-11-11… | Kauilapele’s Blog.

