Agartha, we are from the inner Planet and of your Heart

Lia's picture

August 28, 2012

We send our message through Patrick as always to let those on the surface know that we are working together with those that are in the space of our Gaia and also with the formless ones that carry the direct messages from I Am. We have been tasked to originate your beings to your next awakening, the next and higher dimension that those here occupy. The word occupy has meaning in the 3rd D as it is a movement away from oppression to expression. The Occupy movement is ongoing but the owners of the mainstream of your media have not been allowed to cover the actions of these individuals. Your CNN and other news sources, those complicit with the 9/11 cover up are still under control.


We bring to you the new news source, the one most humans choose to process. Your land is bringing the light that those chosen humans have decided to bring forth. As we speak your bankers that have as of lately and have known previously they would not be prosecuted now know that this is an untruth. The banking elite now know they cannot walk away with the golden parachute and live life against the banks of a lake in luxury.


As we express this message through Patrick we wish to let all of you know that the future of growth or Asencion is assured. Look at all the minion activities of what is termed illuminati are attempting ‘to do’. We choose not capitalize this word as it deserves no respect. Rest assured that there are people that are choosing to end their physical lives through the cabal, and it is impossible not to see in the main stream media that the people under the control of those that are shooting others of their own kind. This is a fear based tactic and those of the light will choose to see it this way as an avenue of darkness.

Those in the dark still seem to believe that there is something that needs to be done to maintain a stronghold. We only need to be….aware. If you are reading theses posts you are aware and know intrinsically that all have been misled. But even that is Okay as we know, in our hearts, in our soul that staying close to our truths of what feels good and discarding that which does not feel good we stay close to our inner being, to our heart. Please remain in a position of power, which is one that chooses to be clear with the choices that are made within oneself.


Choices of power within oneself are forbidden within the dark. There is no other power outside of oneself, because everything other than that is an illusion. Those of you in the light are aware of this.

We are from Agartha, we are Lona and Rai and we are here for all to communicate. Your immediate futures are glorious, it is now a decree.

Patrick Sullivan



They are very kind and the

Guest's picture

They are very kind and the ones I met a bit slighter with pronounced cheek bones. A bit darker complected and small to medium bone structure. They were very clever with their hands and very clever at use light devices.


Timescraper's picture

I cant wait to communicate with ya!


From Singapore.