The Age of Spiritual Awakening Has Really Begun – New Research Confirms

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By Frank M. Wanderer Ph.D.
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

We live in the age of Awakening. More and more people are concerned about this: Who or what am I? Am I just the sum of my personal life story, memories, experiences, thoughts and sufferings? Or is there in me a hidden dimension of a mysterious consciousness, which is superimposed by the noise of my personal life stories?

The spiritual awakening refers to a person’s ability “to clearly see that what I perceive, experience, think or feel, is after all not the same as what I am.” As soon as a person recognizes who he or she is not, immediately comes the recognition of who he or she actually is: “The light of consciousness, in which perceptions, experiences, thoughts and emotions come and go. This consciousness in the background, is the deeper, real self.

The Presence thus created (conscious alertness) brings about the sense of tranquility and internal peace. The sustained conscious attention launches the spiritual process of transubstantiation that leads the individual to conscious alertness, new perspective and new ways of observing. This process, by transforming the consciousness of the person, changes the entire personality of the individual.
