Q: What do you have to say about the "Occupy Wall Street" movement going on right now all across the nation?
A: This is a powerful indicator that large number of humanity are waking up to the fact that the current socio-economic system and actions of the Plutocracy do not have the best interest of the people in mind. Mind you, we are in agreement that to be angry, blaming and finger-pointing towards those in power is not a positive solution. The old saying is indeed true; what you resist, persists. For those that are in the streets, actually on the front lines of this movement so to speak, need to keep their cool about them and remain focused. It is indeed true that a peaceful protest has never caused a revolution in your country before, but keep in mind dear ones, you are in entirely new times. If you study your astro-cosmic weather in detail, you will see that the timing is indeed perfect for such a movement to occur. You ask why this action has not been undertaken before? Humanity being somewhat asleep and uninterested in social change has had much to do with it, along with the basic struggles of daily life. If it is difficult to feed one's family and so forth; it is even more difficult to become a revolutionary, and that has been part of the oppressive agenda.
For those that are not directly involved in the movement, keep holding the vision of what you intend your new world to be like and give your heart to it. Bless those that have the courage to stand up and face what is necessary. On another level again, there is only ONE of you here. Love, truth and wisdom hold a more powerful vibration than oppression, fear and the like. The greatest gift you can offer this current movement is your own awakened consciousness. Yes, involve yourselves politically if you feel a desire to do this, but always remain anchored in your own divine self to light the path. Sat-Chit-Ananda. You are That. ~ The Keepers, 10.10.11