~All Systems will continue to Fail as New Systems begin to Emerge~

Lia's picture

This is RC, and I share my light and love with you at this moment.



All old systems continue to fail, as Our Brothers And Sisters Of All Light Colors, assist us in removing these old systems so that the co-creation of the New Systems could begin.

All old systems, financial, governmental, ecological, sociological, and psychological, to name a few, must be removed from New Earth, mother Gaia’s body, for it has served its purpose, and no longer can reside on mother Gaia. No longer will I, as a Light Being, diminish my self from emanating my true Light within, for the old earth, is history, and New Earth is here, NOW. We, Light Beings, are here to assist, and ascend simultaneously with mother Gaia and we all have done so, Beautifully, and we are here, NOW, to co-create a New Mother Gaia.

As our humanity have been experiencing darkness, as it is represented in our financial, governmental, ecological, sociological, and psychological aspects of this darkness for many years, soon will New systems be in place so that all, can know, that one exists because of one another.

The old financial systems for which a Dark family owned most, if not all of the central/federal banks, as I truly feel it to be, no longer owns any of them, for it Now, belongs to all Life on mother Earth. (http://nesaranews.blogspot.com/ -scroll down to oct. 2011, and read Banks Owned by…). Humanity will co-create NEW Financial systems where all of Humanity have abundance-money, shelter, food, spiritual upliftment, knowledge, and whatever abundance you desire.

We, inhabitants of new mother Gaia, and Our Loving Space Families have removed dark old forms of governments, and have established a transitional government in order to establish a New One Consciousness Government, and We, Light Beings, on new mother Gaia, will appropriately elect Light Beings that we, all, feel will truly, and spiritually represent all Life on mother Gaia. Light Beings who choose to be governmental workers will be those that desire, from their hearts, to always be in-service to others from a political level.

Mother Earth, Gaia, is transitioning herself beautifully, and divinely. She is giving us, her inhabitants, a divine gift, of sharing with her, her ascension process, with all of us, who are ascending with her. All ecological systems will be removed essentially to create a New Mother Earth Body, so all animal and natural structures (land, ocean, air, trees) will go back from whence it came from, a lot of humans will go back from whence they came from in order to allow mother earth to destroy all structures that currently exist on her, without any harm to anyone. Mother Earth will fully shift her self into her truly divine state of existence, and she will decide where land is land on her, where waters run through her, where the jungles, wood, flora, fauna, and animal life that she will allow to exist upon her body, and mother earth will only allow those Light Beings of higher 4, 5, 6, 7, and perhaps beyond dimensions of realities to exist upon/within her. Ecological systems have been failing, but understand that it is for mother earth to fully transform her self, and start her re-birth. A lot of humans, Light Beings, here on earth will get the opportunity to fully experience these transformational stages of ascension within one self, with others, and along with mother earth. It is going to be a divine moment for all involved, indeed.

The sociological and psychological changes, and transformations that is occurring moment from moment are outstanding, and it is an Internal One. Humanity shares this, but it is from individual origin. We, each, are dealing within one self internally, and to a certain degree, externally and it is for each of us to hold dear, and share when the moment arises. I, have my own transformational changes, my personal stories, and I know that each and every one has their own personal stories, therefore I will not share my own personal transformational stories unless requested. But I thank all of you, that are ascending as I am, in our own unique way, for it is us, who have been the Light on mother Gaia’s body in a place that was dark.

May Oneness Bless Us All, As One.
RC Towers
