~Galactic Love Reporter Marie~
I am requoting this saying which I read somewhere along my remembering journey but it continues to resonate so deep within my heart as Truth.
~All the Universe is watching as the little Gods lift their Little Veils...~
The hardest part for me as a Fallen Light Being at this moment, is the I am cleaning out the deepest of the deepest well within my heart.
Not just the experiences of this present reincarnation, but infinite number of past life experiences.
Experiences that I have been carrying in within my heart for a long, long time...
There can be no darkness within our hearts, if we want the term "Heaven on Earth" to become our reality.
We all know this because we remember.
Every Light Being in their own way is remembering,some more than others,but that is why it is ALL perfect.
Why would I want to duplicate someone else's contribution to ALL?
But we are ALL coming up from the fall, and it was a very deep and dark fall...
But now we see the Light as the veil continues to lift.
It is as the Light would be seen from the bottom of a very deep and dark well.
We still have darkeness to climb through as we ascend to the top of the well but we see the Light.
The new "grid" vibrates too high for all these past,dark experiences.
Our history through the ages is the old grid.
This is a new "grid"
A new type of connection to the Light.
No memories are made on it yet.
We help co-create the new memories.
It is unwritten.
That is why this week is a different experince to ALL of us in one way or another.
Weird experiences.
While still feeling incredible Love and Light.
We are all purging what is left of the old grid.
Completely disconnecting.
For the two grids will not connect as they are very different realities.
We are multi-dimensional Light Beings in a physical body.
We are learning to cross dimemtions with our physical bodies.
Quite the game we set up to experience.
We are experincing something completely new.
So Rejoice EVERY MOMENT OF EVERY DAY you are on this amazing Mother Earth.
Bring your highest possible vibration to the NEW grid.
A grid of Light and Love.
Every experience brings us closer to the top of the well.
And once we get to finally peek out,we will see amazing things,undescribably beautiful things...
and infinite number of wells...
We are the Little Gods with the Little Veils.
We get to completely lift this veil when we reach the top of our well.
We managed to descend this deep into our well and touch the bottom.
We remembered to turn around.
Following the Light up from the bottom of the well should be so joyous.
Seems so magnificent.
So unbelievable.
So simple.
Enjoy each day to the fullest.
Make the new grid.
Fill it with Light and Love.
We are no longer falling.
My heart tells me so.
In Light and Love Forever.
: )