All Wars Are Bankers' Wars

Rain's picture


Published on Feb 4, 2013 by e33State


Written and spoken by Michael Rivero. The written version is here:

Video by Zane Henry.




''Every war results from the

DeSwiss2's picture

  It should be instructive for those paying attention, that in the Gospels of the New Testament the only persons that Jesus Christ could not physically restrain himself from whipping, were bankers. Love everybody else, whip the bankers. Pretty clear, right? Thus it was the Son of God who laid the foundation and gave us the best commandment for the only way of dealing with bankers.  ~DeSwiss

''Every war results from the struggle for markets and spheres of influence, and every war is sold to the public by professional liars and totally sincere religious maniacs, as a Holy Crusade to save God and Goodness from Satan and Evil.'' ~Robert Anton Wilson

''The Illuminati conspiracy is hundreds, if not thousands, of years old. Many of the most famous names of history have been Illuminated, or Illuminati agents. Indeed, all of history is nothing more than an outside view of the schemes and struggles of the Illuminati.  The Illuminati don't like war; it's expensive and wasteful. War only happens when two groups of Illuminati are very evenly matched and neither is willing to negotiate. But then they whip a few nations into a patriotic fervor and go at it.'' ~Abner Whateley