Allendale & Beings of Light to Tots ~ A Team Effort or The Beings Spread Their Message while Allendale kicks some…~ 1~12~12
January 12, 2012
[Hello Allendale.] Hello Tots & Tribe, communication with The Beings of Light will continue now. [Very good. Hello Beings of Light.] Hello Tots, we appreciate the energy and heart felt love. [Thank you, and the same to you!]
May we begin today with a prayer of peace? [That would be nice.]
Dear Creator of love and light, may we bring forth a message of perpetual bliss. May our energy connect with all who read these words and all who don’t. May our protection be utilized for the betterment of humankind and in the name of the great Universal Love.
Now, shall we begin? [I am ready.] Beings of Light are the many evolved patrons of the higher realms. We are a team member of sorts to Allendale/Anonymous.
The project of Earth’s ascension involves multiple realms, beings and saints. We are the protectors of the light and in our capacity we hold Divine space for our team. Given that this project is nearly complete, or shall we say well on its way, our mission is to assist the masses.
When you remember your greatness among the Masters, that is our hallmark. However you choose to make this discovery, it is our energy working with yours that supports your awakening. This is a team effort.
Beings of Light are your friends. Let us guide you and be your light to shine on others, especially when your love is unconditional.
[Thank you Beings of Light. Allendale, anything else you wish to add?] Yes lass, I only have this to share. The cabal is on its knees. God and Creator will be the ones who assist with their (the cabal) souls. And may I say they are lucky it isn’t me. I have yet some soul growth to do on forgiveness. Allendale out.