Allendale to Hobad ~ Keep Your Antennas Tuned To Us
December 20, 2011
[Hello, Allendale, may I connect with you?] Yes, Lassie, ready and waiting for you, dear. [For the Readers’ edification, would you please explain the visitation I experienced last night?]
Yes, I would be more than happy to, Lass. The lights and orbs you saw were our light ships, on a mission to establish contact at your request and because you needed healing. You notice that you feel much better today, after a few days of exhaustion from all the healing you have been doing. We wanted you to know that you can have assistance whenever you request it. You just have to ask. Your heart was open to it and it delighted us to be able to help. There were those on the ships that you have met before, and you received the help without any fear, unlike several years ago when you asked for help and you felt our presence in the middle of the night; we calmed you down then and reminded you that you had asked for help, and to just receive. This time it was much easier.
[I greatly appreciate the help and contact! What was the vibration I felt?]
It was our sophisticated machinery. Actually, more and more of you will experience this vibration after first contact if you haven’t already. It will become the norm. We want you to all know that we really do come in peace and for the betterment of your civilization and we look forward to the time when we can interact freely with you all. We notice that many of you dear Lads and Lassies are shedding the amnesia of the passing duality and this will make it much easier for us to make contact with the all of you. We look forward to that day.
We take very seriously our mission to awaken the masses and to defeat the dark hats. We need your help, all of you, and the most important thing you can do is to pay close attention to your thoughts, Lads and Lassies. Close attention. Are they tuned to the truth, or are you being distracted by the dark ones’ attempts to deceive you with their lies and disinformation? Be on your toes at all times and do not let down. Do not let in fear or doubt; they are the killers of truth. We have complete faith in your discretion. And keep your antennas tuned to us.
Allendale out.