[Hi Allendale] Hello Tots and how have you been? [A little tired today but over all, very good thanks. [How are you Al?] Well Lass, it is go time here. The decision has been made to align with Creator and God and place ourselves very close to your beautiful planet. For now, know that our experience with the cabal has allowed the white hats a decisive victory of global proportions. This is our time to shine, Tots and mind ya we plan to do just that. The clock is ticking on the cabal and they are running like scared insects. Get ready Lass for a very big announcement by David. He is now ready to detail his great knowledge to the masses. Hobad is assisting his High Self beautifully. Spike is on call and Aninadzija is light in galactic form. The tribe is ready. We are ready and the Creator is ready. Get your rest, Tots. It is going to be a very interesting week. Allendale out.