~ Allendale to Tots: Tribe Revelations…Or Why We are on this Mission Together ~
December 19, 2011
[Hello Al.] Hello Tots, and a fine and lovely day it is. [You seem to be in fine form!] I am most certainly. The tribe is stretching its wings and remembering many of its attributes. Since you and I have some time can I connect some dots? [I think all of us (tribe) would love that!] Excellent.
On the first ship I served on I was bunked with Spike. ‘She’ was ‘he’ then and a rank above me. Our relationship was friendly but competitive. Here is where stems our relationship. [Your & Spikes?] Yes. We have much respect for the breath of our receptive work over thousands of years. Her amnesia is wearing off and unfortunately she more easily remembers my annoying tendencies. We are much like siblings that way. I love her dearly and wouldn’t be on this project if it wasn’t for her.
Now, Aninadzija and I also go back a long way. We were lovers in many lives and partners in crime. [I think this news will make Aninadzija smile!] Oh! I adore her, Lassie. Her tenacity is to be admired. Her understanding of languages on Earth is only a continuation of her expertise of working with inter-galactic languages. Her knowledge of linguistics and diplomatic skills are favorable for this mission. Picking her was a no brainer!
Hobad, I had only heard about until recently. God is her biggest fan! Hobad can intuitively heal nations. THAT is how powerful she is. God knew her heart was pure and she was added as a healer of healers. Hobad is known in God’s Kingdom as AA Michaels friend. They go way back and are inseparable.
And you Lass, you and I know many good times together. We are peas to a pod. Our pods originate in different realms but we know each other inside and out. I coded my voice so you would recognize it with your heart. In your memory you will find my imprint of energy. You are angelic and added to projects to bring in your loving energy. I have requested your energy to open necessary portals for this mission but you and I just don’t stay separated very long. In this lifetime you have wondered how you and xxxxx found yourselves a half world away. You and I are like that but on a bigger scale. My energy is imparted on all the great loves of your life. That is why you stay friends with those you love & you can be happy for them as they move on. Our energies are like ‘hide & seek’. Universes aren’t big enough from finding each other.
This group is so divinely loved. Connecting us back together is the ultimate hide & seek! Never think this is random. We all planned this to the smallest detail. Add in the 3-D amnesia and OY! Perhaps we could have planned a wee bit easier route. Ah, but where would the fun be in that? I hope this assists each tribe heart. [Thank you Al. I can only speak for myself but i deeply appreciate this, makes much sense to me.]