There is a great war between beings who are destroying and enslaving planets and other civilizations, and other Human E.Ts who have been trying to stop them.A great war that has gotten very old, undoing and that includes the ownership ofthis planet.This war has a lot to do with the enslavement of Humanity and the ownership of this planet.
I want you to know something, that during this war allies became the enemy for power, and beings part of the enemy became our allies because they are benevolent. During this battle, the Human groups call Pleiadians went out in search for support of other species at other planets. In search for help and many civilizations across the galaxy decided to assist the battle for light. There are many Human E.T forces that live through the galaxy and these Human E.T’s have been trying to save other people and Humans of this planet.
The enemy is recorded in the planets ancient history, they called them the Serpents. And other bad E.T’s have joined them in the conquest of the galaxy. Including there are also forces of our kind, Human E.T forces who rebelled against the Human E.T’s star federations of light in order to possess power over the galaxy along with their commanders the Reptilians.
Listen to me please; there is a critical fact, that the Reptilians are not just rulers of this planet. There are also Reptilian forces that have chosen to be benevolent, and are fighting their own kind on the Human E.T side because they know that what their kind is doing to the galaxy and to humanity is totally destructive and evil. I always spoke the Reptilians to be all evil, but never spoke some to have joined the good side. There are many species of Grey aliens, the Greys were created by the Reptilians as a slave race, but during this war a large group of Greys rebelled against their creators and many joined the Human E.T forces.
There are many E.T’s who are assisting this galactic war, doesn’t matter if their species are evil, everyone has a choice to be good or evil. I thank many Reptilians , Greys and Insectoids who have stand to fight for good, not to fight their own kind but to fight for the well-being of the galaxy. Every intelligent being has the choice to accept light or evil in their energy. We got the Arctuarians who have helped the Human E.Ts since the very beginning, the enemy of the galaxy fears them, they are our great force thank you Arctuarians.
Now in the case of Earth, the Humans on Earth are enslaved and eaten by the Reptilians who rule this planet; there have been many battles in the Sun’s space to rescue the Humans on Earth. But the Human E.T forces are not alone in this fight; it is ironic that for the first time I mention that there are also good Reptilians and Greys that are also fighting their own kind to help Humanity on Earth. This war has not been a war between species; it’s a war between good and evil. The Draco star forces think they can conquer the galaxy, no! Their own people have proven them they can’t.
Earth should be released; Humans on Earth should be free.
Earth is to be known as a prison, a planet that was lost a long time ago.
But guess what? We got the whole galaxy on our side, many benevolent E’Ts have stood up to defend the galaxy, you got the whole galaxy supporting the military mission to rescue Earth, because Earth and Humantiy still belongs to the E’T Pleiadian Federations of Light, your star brothers and sisters, your ancestors who received the “Help Call” long time ago.
We are here, as Starseeds on Earth to help the Humans on this planet by breaking the Net around the Earth from the inside. And I tell you I recognize my star brothers and sisters, I strongly feel their force a great Galactic Fleet patrolling in space. WE STARSEEDS, ARE HERE BECAUSE WE CHOSE TO COME HERE AND ASIST. THE WHOLE GALAXY SUPORTS OUR JOB AND OUR JOB IS TO INFORM THE HUMANS, WAKE THEM UP BECAUSE EARTH IS THE KEY TO VICTORY. THE EARTH IS THE FOOD SOURCE OF THE ENEMY. THE GALAXY E.T’S SUPPORT EVERYONE. THEY CALL US THE ALLIANCE ON EARTH, THE ALLIANCE OF THE STAR ALLIANCES.
Why would I lie, I represent them. J
We are here, as Starseeds on
We are here, as Starseeds on Earth to help the Humans on this planet by breaking the Net around the Earth from the inside. And I tell you I recognize my star brothers and sisters, I strongly feel their force a great Galactic Fleet patrolling in space. WE STARSEEDS, ARE HERE BECAUSE WE CHOSE TO COME HERE AND ASIST. THE WHOLE GALAXY SUPORTS OUR JOB AND OUR JOB IS TO INFORM THE HUMANS, WAKE THEM UP BECAUSE EARTH IS THE KEY TO VICTORY. THE EARTH IS THE FOOD SOURCE OF THE ENEMY. THE GALAXY E.T’S SUPPORT EVERYONE. THEY CALL US THE ALLIANCE ON EARTH, THE ALLIANCE OF THE STAR ALLIANCES.
Why would I lie, I represent them. J
I can feel that J. Thanks for sharing and letting me.
Love I AM NaGeeTa
Love and Light.
Love and Light.