American Bridges Falling Down

Rain's picture

GFP Note: America's bridges are collapsing and the U.S. has received a grade of D+ for Infrastructure. This is representative of what's happening right now; it's a metaphor for the collapse of the illusion and the Truth of all that is not real coming to the surface. As our steel bridges fall, it makes room for grander structures, like the Rainbow Bridge, to take their place.


Published on May 24, 2013 by RTAmerica



On May 23rd, sections of the I-5 bridge that crosses over the Skagit river collapsed, sending two cars plummeting into the frigid waters below. It is just the latest failure of American infrastructure at a time when annual spending on construction is at the lowest rate since 1993. What's more, the American Society for Civil Engineers has given the U.S. a D+ in overall infrastructure. They estimate it will take an investment of $3.6 trillion by 2020 to bring American roads, bridges and waterways up to safety standards. RT Correspondent Meghan Lopez takes a look at the long road ahead.

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