The Ancient One

Anonymous's picture

You're as old as the darkness before there was light

As old as the blackness that birthed a spark of light


The harmony of oneness existed without a conscious thought

Repetitive rhythms of nothingness

A being without bounds

A sea of constant rhythm

But not a single thought, just sound


Just movement, sound, then the awareness of light

Some color and then came

     the horror of life

A spark of consciousness birthed primal fear

The first feeling that something else is threatening ME here


The fear, in an instant, birthed a will to survive

The will became action and pulled itself off the sea of it's so called life

A primal reaction without a thought of where it would be

After the moment it pulled off of the sea


Once free from the sea

It lashed out in rage

At whatever it was that rattled it's cage (that woke it up) and disruped the harmony of nothingness with individual consciousness.