Greetings Fellow Travelers.
Today we speak of remembrance.
This concept of remembrance is simply for your connection. The fact that this is a remembrance and not something new to you. This is not a new teaching, not a new knowledge, not something that someone has all of a sudden come upon, its not a new awakening, it is not new information. This is an ancient wisdom embedded in each cell of your being. This remembrance can come on in small ways, where you feel a quickening within yourself, an unknown area you have never touched that says –
I know this – I have been here. I am here.
This quickening process within your cells is matched and absolutely related to earths movement in the solar system. You are part of this solar system you and I. You have been cradled and loved through this quickening. These remembrances stay with you in this every moment, if you choose to see.
Fore this sight is with you now.
It is yours to explore and create this remembrance as a well within your body. You can feel the remembrance within each cell – each cell is not made of an individual component, an individual item, an individual way of seeing these cells. This remembrance is a communal, universal remembrance of unity. Your cells, within your beautiful being, all working in tandem to bring about an experience of remembrance. The experience of your selves within this human existence is here for your making. For you are not a victim- you are a creator. This creator aspect well within your cells is there as your remembrance, and when you choose to access your remembrance, the ancient wisdoms, the ancient knowledge that comes through the earth as lightwaves of information coming through the earths elements, the rocks, the trees, the wind, the flowers, all of nature. This remembrance comes through you as an openness to all. When the remembrance is accessed in your cells, and you allow it to come through, it will be the most beautiful love that you have ever felt. A cradled existence in the arms of the universe. A love so grand, a unity so grand you have never felt a part of this kind of love. When the remembrance comes, please accept this remembrance as a knowing - fore you do know.
Please do not claim to know nothing. As you know so much.
As your cells are actually knowings. These knowings are you. These knowings are bringing a part of all of you to your central place. Your future self, your past self, your many realms of self that are scattered among so many places in this universe in so many different dimensions. It is for you to harness these remembrances for your now. Your now can benefit in so many ways from the remembrances of your ancient past and your future.
Your galactic alignment is crucial. Your earth bound alignment is crucial.
This place you find yourself when allowing this crucial alignment is very very warming to your soul. It is very very valued for you stand in complete knowing of who you have been, who you will be and who your are. Accept this as your knowing. For you are not one or the other. You are all.
Accept the fact that you are all.
This may become a difficult place for some of you to stand in the current environments you have created for yourselves. The contrast may come and drag you far from your center, allow the experience, and then go back to your center. Re-evaluate, re-orient and move on. Move on in creation from this center place where you have accessed your ancient wisdoms, your ancient past. The ancient wisdoms from the earth – for these wisdoms ARE you. Would the ancient wisdoms of our earth be pulled from its center, be derailed into contrast? We think not. We must believe that all our selves that are so knowing would bring us back to our centers. It is of remembrance within your many selves that creates your center place on this earth plane. Allow this remembrance in as many ways as you can bring them into your day.
It is now time to allow this remembrance and if this remembrance makes the life that you know it change, then so be it. The friends will fall, the colleagues will fall, the situations will fall. You may be pulled out of your center into an emotional mess, during this fall, simply step back into the knowing, step back into the wisdom of this fall. Fore nothing else can be created new if this fall does not occur. This is of the highest order. You will be given assistance along the way. Feel the support from the Ancient One. Ask for the best for all involved, and in the asking will come the best for yourself and then the remembrances are then activated in the body for you to use as creation. A re creation of the cellular make up of your energy field and its work with our earth. The cosmos are ready to assist. The earth elements are here to create this, for some of you have a direct remembrance of this land. Take this cue, if the earth is calling you, if you are here, present with the earth and all that it is. If you are being asked to go to nature, do this now. Do not make excuses for your day, for excuses will not allow the remembrance. Excuses will not allow the merging of your Self with the Ancient One.
This ancient remembrance must be in your field now. You are all such beautiful creators. The creation that you bring in your life at this time is your spiritual work. There is no other work to be done. The remembrance, the creation, and the light that comes from this is for all.
Your light will benefit as many as you choose.
The remembrance is in every cell of your being. Accept this remembrance as your own. Allow it in, allow it around, mix it up, use it, it is yours. It is a creation. Give it an essence, give it a name for it is your companion.
For this companion is you.
This embodied message is for your clarity this day December nineteen two thousand eleven