and another....

hilarionra's picture

when you forget about the ego, the mind, you in turn identify with it. in this you will unconsciously
use realizations as excuses for your unconscious behavior. you will also forget that the tension
and pain you feel anywhere, stems from the ego,mind's resistance towards being here now, which
is our natural state of being. the resistance stems from fear, im not saying that youre in fear
or that you may be experiencing yourself being in fear, but just that fact that if you are
this is your identification with the ego itself. and you may throw a fit you may not. or you may
even enjoy yourself throwing a fit and laugh at yourself hysterically for even doing so.

one way or the other, you will get it in the long run. whats being spoken of by me
and from others who are further along in their experience of being enlightened. comes
down to not just what im bringing to the table here , but whats been brought to the table
many times before by many others before, and by me not just in this life, but in past
lives also.
and again, the tension you feel is the fear and resistance of the ego, attempting to keep
the being from being here now, ultimately this is impossible to be an eternal experience.
 and being conscious of what theyre going through, the ego will also try to stop will
also try to entice you into analyzing and interpreting ALL experiences, and will also
try to entice you into identifying with its nature. when that happens, youll be stumped because
youll identify with its inability to comprehend whats going on period. you will
also notice its desire to get you to discount your experience,and resist completely
what others have to say about your experience as you are, for taking all energies in
is our natural way of experiencing life as it is. it doesnt mean you wont resist those
whom are in resistance, it just means, that your response will be one of understanding
whats happening here now.

the ego thrives on conflict, and controlling all situations as i and others have mentioned before in other
messages. it thrives on these energies because they are what keeps it in tact.
but i feel that just knowing this, provides us with the strength to keep going and to
persist in the experience of effortlessly being present within the love we are.
 im not a conscious expert on living, or reality as it stands, so im unable to relay
a million word book on the what is, and how to's of life.
and if i did, my behavior would obviously be not what it has been. i am learning though.
ive also come to the conclusion from experience that not everyone understands what
im speaking of either. this is because its not widely addressed. if it was
we would all be having a different experience altogether. this does serve a purpose.

thank you for reading.