~The Andromeda Council, Contact Introduction, Friendly Open Visits.~
It is being planned by the members of the Andromeda Council that - almost simultaneously - they will also begin to prepare Earth & Earth's people to join a greater galactic ‘community of planets' …by beginning & conducting increasingly frequent, numerous flights of Andromeda Council flagged ‘scout craft’... to planet Earth.
Visitors to Earth will most likely come from the following four (4) star systems & planets: Polaris - planet Ventra, Antares - planet Nikotae, Sirius A - planet Toleka, and from the constellation Cygnus, star system Alpha Cygni (aka) Deneb - planet Ritol.
The scout craft holding 3-4 crew people from the above listed member planets of the Andromeda Council will conduct open friendly contact, visitation & interaction with humans all across planet Earth... just every day people.
Again, this process of open contact, visitation & interaction is projected to begin sometime late Summer 2011.
The plan is for this contact & visitation to happen over & over again for an extended period of time, probably at least upward of one (1) full year all across the globe, until Earth people finally get the message - you are not alone, you have never been alone. The planned geographic areas of the planet Earth that will be visited, in order of priority, are the following:
1. Japan
2. USA
3. Canada
4. Mexico
5. Brazil
6. Argentina
7. UK
8. France
9. Germany
10. Italy
11. European Union
12. Russia
13. China
14. South Korea
15. Indonesia
16. India
17. Turkey
18. Saudi Arabia
19. South Africa
20. Australia
note: due to the severity of the damage from the earthquakes & radiation leakage, contact with Japan will be pushed forward into the future at least 6 months. Therefore, contact with the USA will now happen first, in terms of priority.
And, that as sentient intelligent life, you, people of Earth, as free souls have a right to be free - to live lives of free choice & free will, to evolve, and to function as spiritually alive, awake, aware and responsible… sovereign human beings.
To help promote a long and peaceful existence of a reborn planet, and a reborn people, Earth will receive an invitation and formal protocols to join a greater galactic brotherhood, a community of planets, the Galactic Federation, as a single entity, as a peaceful contributing member of these federated planets.
And, a process will also begin to establish formal relations between a new, formal Earth Council representing the interests of Earth, and the Andromeda Council. Preparation. To assist and prepare all Earth Humans to make the step-up, the “upliftment”, in spiritual awareness & consciousness to the 4th dimension/density as Earth is about to cross the galactic equatorial plane -
Commitment. The Andromeda Council has committed many trained people, ships, advisors, spiritual & emotional counselors... on stand-by, ready to help Earth people through the various stages of adjustment. They will do this by mentoring, teaching & helping Earth people to evolve & adjust in many, many ways.
They will be warm, friendly and kind. They will teach Earth Humans by example, they will perform acts of love and kindness. They will teach Earth Humans the most powerful ‘force’ in the Universe is: love. The time line for their contact & visitation is projected for late Summer 2011 through 2012 / 2013, as needed, depending on their progress reconnecting with humanity around the globe.
What will be the focus, the substance, of these friendly open visits?
What will transpire when they visit?
What will they teach?
Enlightenment. The Lessons. A small number of Andromedan Council 'flagged' scout craft, (2-3) at a time, at most, in any one area, will visit with people all across Earth. Crew members from various planets will simply walk among people, introduce themselves and have warm, friendly, open, interactive visits & conversations with Earth people, with average citizens, during which time these crew members will specifically teach about:
a.) the truth of Earth human physical origin… where among the various stars & planets across the Universe that Earth people originally came from, who their - cousins, brothers and sisters are, who their ancestors truly are;
b.) about the coming vibrational harmonic frequency changes about to occur to this solar system & planet Earth… what the planet & its inhabitants as it enters the galactic equatorial plane will experience as they transition from a 3rd density vibration to a 4th density & then eventually someday in the future… a 5th density vibration;
c.) about exactly what this will mean for Earth and its inhabitants, exactly how their lives will be different, in all facets, in so many positive ways people can not even begin to imagine;
d.) about the sacredness of planet Earth, how important it is to
treat it with the sacred respect it truly deserves;
e.) about the truth and reality of the Human spiritual origin and its true essence;
f.) about the reality, creation & sacredness of the Human Soul, and its connection with the Creator / Creation, and all sentient life throughout the Universe.
It represents a New Message from the Creator of all life…to bring this greater cosmology and preparation into the world and with it a new hope and promise for a struggling humanity. It is time now for Earth Humans to end their ceaseless conflicts and to prepare for life in the Greater [Galactic] Community. To do this, they need a new understanding of themselves as one people—the people of Earth, born of one spirituality—and of their vulnerable position as a young, emerging race in the Universe.
"The Andromedan Council"
Andromeda places of contact
Andromeda has a established base in the high Andes in Peru where physical direct contact has already began in Oct 2009. These Andromeda commanders are here and ready for disclosure. Thank you