Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Mary Magdalene

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Angel Wisdom Sunday, January 13, 2013


Life Experience

There are significant life events happening on earth that have been a long time in coming and these powerful revelations will lead to the changes that you have been dreaming of. Be sure to find ways to be of service to your fellow man as you are embarking on these changes. Expect many wondrous things to happen and as what you expect, you will receive.

Decide now what it is you want or you might feel as if outside forces are conspiring against you. We wish to remind you that you are always aware at a soul level what is transpiring for you and each night when you enter into your dream times, you can rewrite the scripts and begin again in morning. Each day is truly a new day in which to create. Should you find yourself in a sleepless night, dream of good thoughts and positive changes to begin to manifest in your world and the longer and more often you can think of these, the closer they become.

Celebrate each victory, no matter how small you deem it. Feel the love and joy in all that you do and make room to have more fun no matter what is happening or what you are doing. It helps to add creativity and openness which brings in inspirations and ideas that will help you find alternatives that you had not previously thought of. It gives your guides and angels opportunities to connect and let you know they are near.

Find your childhood innocence and let it be an active part of you as you are seeing the world through new eyes as you awaken your sensitivities and learn to trust your intuition and your guidance. Have patience with yourselves as it a process that is unfolding as it should. Think carefully and consider what you are wanting and then begin the action steps that are necessary to create this in the physical and you will feel joy, contentment and gratitude for a job well done.

You are each on a path to enlightenment of a great aspect of who you are. You are beautiful and powerful beings of God light and a particle of this energy dwells within all of you. Nurture and feed that particle so that it begins to glow bright and brighter until it is visible all around you and you will know great love and wisdom. You will begin to understand there is so much more than you can possibly imagine and that indeed a transformation of conscious understanding is taking place and you are expanded your view of yourself and your world.

I am honoured to be called into service to the people. I offer wisdom with love, understanding and strength and assist you in becoming the High Priest/Priestess's that you are each becoming on your path to creating your new world. I thank thee my beloveds, Mary Magdalene


Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank,Taka, Grazie, Спасибо,Toda, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran, Děkuji, Kiitos, Tack, Danke, ありがとう
Article Copyright ©2013 by Sharon Taphorn
All rights reserved.
