My dear friends, we love you so very much.
Celebrate! There is great light coming into your planet now. The veils between the heavens and earth are thinner, there is great opportunity for manifestation, healing, and stepping into an even deeper awareness of who you really are. And yet, with great light always comes a great stirring up of the darkness that has been dormant for quite some time.
Think of it this way. Imagine you have moved into a very large and lovely old home. In this house, there is a room in your home that has been sealed off for decades. The windows and curtains have been closed. The contents are shrouded in darkness and the dust and cobwebs have gathered. The air is stagnant and unmoving. Suddenly, you open that door that has been shut for so long. You fling open the windows, draw back the curtains and allow fresh air and light to stream in. Suddenly there is a great influx of light, but along with it, a stirring up of the dust, cobwebs, and stale air. As the new comes in, the old must go, and for a short time, you may cough, sneeze, and even say to yourself, “My goodness! What a mess!” However, when the dust settles, the light streams into the room and you have an opportunity to clean out the old, this room is filled with new life, new hope, and perhaps even new decor that better suits the life you are living now.
This is exactly what is going on now upon your earth, in your lives, and in your very consciousness. The light was always there. The dark was always there. However right now, great light is penetrating the darkness, stirring everything up. Thus you see monumental storms upon your planet, in your lives, and in your hearts. You see people suddenly acting out in ways that seem unthinkable. You feel, at times, an incredible sense of urgency to get things done. And yet, dear ones, our advice to you would be to relax, focus on the small simple pleasures of life, and let the dust settle! Allow the challenges in life simply to be dealt with – without drama, without wondering what you have done “wrong” (for indeed there is no wrong in our book, just lessons), and without adding to the chaos.
Choose, using the beautiful gift of your free will, to say, “My goodness things are stirred up! People are stirred up! A great light must be rising up in the world and in my life. I will choose to be kind and loving to myself, and to the best of my ability, to others as well. I will choose to turn away from drama, and to embrace peace. I will handle the things that require attention in my life, knowing that I have done nothing wrong, and that at any moment I can turn my attention to the light and away from the darkness.”
Let the dust settle dear ones, and celebrate the influx of beautiful light, even amidst the storms, the chaos, and the trials you are experiencing. You are, after all, made of this very same light.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
– The Angels
Hi Everyone,
I see patterns due to my work. When I get hundreds of emails from people telling me others in their lives are going crazy, hear about historical typhoons and devastating tornadoes, and start to experience uncharacteristic chaos attempting to infiltrate my life, I know something really big and good must be going on in terms of the light coming onto the planet.
I joke with friends that “Satan is on Viagra” again! And while I know that a lost and lonely fallen angel called Satan has no power over God’s goodness, what I really mean is that the energies that do not know their connection with God’s love, and therefore seek to create chaos and disruption, are being stirred up. People are being forced to face all that has been pushed down, ignored, and set aside. Situations in our world, our homes, and our lives that were dormant for a time are now things we must deal with. And in the end, great good will come of this.
Every time I move into a space of truth and higher light, these energies attempt to drag me back into old patterns and behaviors. Lately I have a humorous little mantra when chaos presents itself, “I’m not going down!” I go to the mirror, look for the light and love of God in my eyes and remind myself that God’s love is the ONLY truth. Quickly, I am put back into a space of peace. I choose interpretations of life that are more powerful than the ones I was taught. I refuse to let the darkness possess me and ruin my joy.
When the car tire went flat I handled it. When the a/c broke, I called the great repair guys. When the outdoor plumping and pump leaked all over my back yard, I chose faith that God would provide and scheduled repairs. When the tile in the kitchen cracked, I did the same. When the glass bowl shattered all over my feet, I gave thanks that there was not one cut! When someone I care about wrote me in disappointment that I could not do what they wanted, I acknowledged their feelings and sent them love. When someone whose behaviors had been excruciatingly painful in my life years ago contacted me out of the blue, I sent them love and decided not to go back for more. In the past this would have inspired great fear, pain, and guilt. Now the angels simply said, “Its done,” and I embraced that truth and let go. Filled once again with the love of God and a great passion for life I decided to put up my Christmas decorations. When the lights burnt out after putting up all the ornaments on the Christmas tree at midnight, I patiently undecorated the tree and restrung lights that worked.
I give thanks that I have a house that is standing, and pray for those who do not. I send love to those whose desires I cannot fulfill and yet finally feel no guilt whatsoever for living the life I am called to embrace. And as a result of looking for the light, choosing positive interpretations of life, and refusing to be sucked into the fear and chaos that do attempt to drag us down, the energy of God’s love continues to flow through my heart in more positive and miraculous ways. We can be a much bigger contribution to this planet if we refuse to let the darkness drag us down.
Practically speaking, when you are weary, rest. When you feel so-called negative emotions, have a healthy rant in private, a deep cleansing cry, or find a positive outlet to release the pent up feelings. Then in the very next moment, remind yourself, there is SO much good! These emotions are coming up and out! Better out than in. Better to release anger in a healthy way than to have it eat at you and cause cancer when you are older. Better to cry the tears rather than to stuff them and have them pop out in thyroid problems or other tensions. Better to nurture and pamper your weary soul when it is weary than to push yourself to the point of burnout and upset.
So no matter what is being thrown at you lately, take care of yourself. Be kind to yourself. And realize that you have the almighty, God-given power of choice in each moment to either succumb to the darkness or to bring more light into your life and your heart.
I love you all. I am sending you all huge doses of love and light with this message, and asking God to please help this light rise up within you so strongly that you feel it in every area of your life. And if you are already there, pass it on to someone else in need of this love!
Have a beautiful week!
Love and hugs,
Always love to read Your posts!...God Bless