Ann Albers 30 June 2013
Message from the Angels
My dear friends, we love you so very much.
Each one of you is a unique, precious, and beautiful soul! Each one of you was designed by the creator to have a unique and beautiful place in creation. Each one of you has your own special light and each one of you matters. So, dear ones, don’t compare yourselves with one another. Share your true selves with the world. If someone asks how you are doing, don’t say, “Fine,” if you are not. How can God send you help if you are not honest with the world. Far better to say, “Well I have a few challenges now,” and trust that if the person in front of you is destined to help, they will ask for more information. If they are not, the conversation will move to other topics.
If someone asks what is important to you, tell them the truth. If someone asks your opinion, be honest. Answer from the heart. In this fashion you will attract those of like mind and heart, and gently you will move away from those who do not resonate with you.
It is a wonder to us that humanity finds disagreements so terrifying. We find differences of opinion to be fascinating, because in them we learn more about the many faces and facets of God. If you can disagree with love you can learn. If you can listen to another’s perspective and seek to understand, even if not to agree, you can learn. If however, you are in need of agreement to validate your own convictions, perhaps you are not so convinced that your beliefs are right for you, after all!
Likewise, if you find yourself around someone who cannot disagree with love, you can still stand lovingly stand in your own truth while allowing them theirs. They will either leave, push you away, or in the best case, soften up and drop into their hearts. If everyone was honest in this manner, you would sort yourselves out easily into groups of like mind and like heart. There would be no need to argue, impose one’s will upon another, or subject one’s will to another. One puzzle piece would not say to another, “You must fit me,” or “I must fit you!” Instead each piece of a puzzle must be moved around, saying to the next one, “Do you fit me as I am? Do I fit you as you are?” In such a fashion human beings would also find their place in the vast and beautiful web of creation.
Next time there is a disagreement, allow for it. Honor your truth and let the other honor their own. Trust that if you move away from someone who does not fit your life, or whose life you do not fit, you are one step closer to the people with whom you will connect easily and joyfully.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
– The Angels
Message from Ann
Hi Everyone,
A few weeks ago I had to get my car tires replaced. Since it was going to take an hour or so, I walked to Starbucks with the iPad and decided to get some work done. I was happily sipping my coffee, visiting with sparrows, and typing fast and furiously when a man started trying to get my attention. “You are typing so fast!” he said. “Yes,” I smiled and went back to my typing. “What do you do?” he asked me. I had that feeling I have had many times when I know where the conversation will be going. “I talk to angels and dead people,” I replied honestly. His eyes widened. He rolled them in disbelief, shook his head, looked away, and started talking to another woman as if I no longer existed. I resisted the urge to giggle and went back to my work. This has happened so many times.
I truly do not exist in the reality of some people, and it’s perfectly fine. The reality in which I live is not one that everyone chooses to dance in right now. Sometimes I have this conversation and am guided to continue with it. Sometimes I have this conversation with people who long to know more. However, this time, it was quite clear that this man was finished with me or more accurately the reality I represent. I quietly sent him a dose of love, knowing that somehow his soul wanted a little opening – just a tiny crack in the doorway of his mind. He peeked into a new reality for just a brief second then slammed the door shut again… for now. When it is time for him to open up more, God will give him that opportunity.
Everyone has a right to live in the reality they choose. I no longer have a need to justify the reality in which I exist, therefore, I can also allow everyone else to choose their own. Their rejection of “me” is not personal. It is simply their choice to embrace a different set of beliefs.
While this is a humorous example of disagreement, there are far more serious ones that arise. So many times, for example, I see clients in incompatible relationships. If they cannot agree to love and just disagree, it is unlikely that they will remain together. The angels would rather see people move apart than be unloving towards one another.
It is possible to thoroughly disagree and still love. I have a dear friend with whom I disagree on almost everything except the fact that we are all based in love. We share our opinions freely in a way that often sounds to others like a hot debate but in reality is just an expression. I once taught a class with a friend in which we shared very different perspectives and people loved it. My brother and I differ in our spiritual beliefs and yet we love each other and respect one another’s lives. My Mom and Dad often see life through different lenses, but after fifty years of marriage, they have learned to find the common ground and enjoy the things they do agree upon. I have learned to let me be myself, let others be themselves, and to simply move away from the ones that I do not resonate with enough to enjoy.
So, do your best to be honest with the world, and to make room for differences in opinion. When you get “rejected” in any way, just smile and know that you are part of the eternal dance of the universe in which people are trying to figure out where they choose to exist right now. Maybe they don’t belong in your reality at this moment, and that’s OK! Just be yourself and the world will sort itself out around you! Those of like mind and heart will love you and want to be around you and those who do not espouse the reality in which you live will reject you.
One of my all time favorite angel quotes – “Rejection is redirection!”
Enjoy the journey and may you get rejected/redirected kindly by all who do not belong in your life, while moving gracefully towards those who love and adore you!
Love and hugs,