Anne Watson~ Are you dominated by your ego or are you swayed by your heart?

Lia's picture

Are you dominated by the voice of your inner child?
Are you more secular than spiritual?
Are you afraid of being spiritual?

There are two parts to the the self, the higher self and the lower self. The higher self is connected to our spiritual growth and the lower self is connected to our secular growth. When we keep our energies within our lower self then we live in the world of our ego, our personality and our inner child. We become people of the mind, are cold, are intellectual and are very controlling. We try to judge people and control the outcome of every situation. We want everything our own way. We have also an over inflated belief in our own opinion and we are always right. We will defy any other way but our own way. We believe in status, we believe in fear and we believe in being the victim. Our ego dominates our world and those around us because we are afraid to let go and raise our energies to a higher level.

When our energies are connected to the higher self we are connected to our heart and we believe that every situation is for our highest good no matter what the outcome. We live in the world of unconditional love, we show compassion, we are sharing and caring and we are willing to change for the good of everyone around us. We are warm, empathetic, kind and self confident. We have our own self power and we are balanced. We have self respect and protect ourselves by placing boundaries around ourselves. We don't believe in failure as we learn from everything we do. We have self-admiration, self-confidence, self-glorification, self-love, self-regard, self-satisfaction, self-sufficiency, self-trust, self-worth, sufficiency. We believe in ourselves and we love ourselves. We know we are perfect. We know we are protected and guided by the universe. We know we are responsible for the quality of love and happiness in our life. We know we are responsible for the people we accept into our lives. We know the people with whom to maintain friendship with and with whom to let go. We forgive people for not being what we want them to be. We know we can create the life that we want to create.

If we move from concentrating on the old, outdated, repetitive thoughts in our mind and listen to the pure, positive, pulses of the heart we can make life changing decisions for the good or ourselves and those around us. If we move our energies from the lower self to the higher self we can make far reaching changes not only in our own personal world but also in our outer world. We can live a life of peace and unity. We can learn to live as one.





BelindaLove's picture
Thank you for defining higher and lower selves so clearly! This article can really help others to understand themselves better..