Archangel Gabriel through Kris Won's picture
Archangel Gabriel through Kris Won
Wednesday, November 5h, 2014 






         Blessings of Love to you all!




                May the very vastness of Love of our beloved Creator surround you and fill you with peace, light, and brotherhood, dearest brothers and sisters. 
        It is the Archangel Gabriel speaking to you, one of the closest ministers to the Celestial Throne of the Creator of this Universe,  Who in all His Majesty and Glory wishes that this message come to His Children.
       Since "Angel" means 'Messenger', we, Archangels, are in charge of bringing to humanity the most relevant messages, those which hold the most importance. 
(Note from Kris-Won:  I am having now a vision of a multitude of beings who are descending smiling and in happy conversation down a long, twisting stairway of white marble.)  
       In these moments as I am speaking with you, there is a multitude of energies, of forces known and unknown to you, like magnetism, electricity o the light, and others that are still unbeknown to you that are circulating everywhere, left to right, up and down, inside to outside, from further in to further out, etc.