~Archangel Michael’s Interview with Casey: Transcript~

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~Archangel Michael’s Interview with Casey: Transcript~

2011 November 21
Posted by Steve Beckow


Archangel Michael’s Interview with Casey: Transcript

Interview: Nov. 19, 2011

In this transcript, Archangel Michael looks at the pre-NESARA Bridge Program and Disclosure. Thanks to Jay for this transcript and Ellen who was also working on a version.

Linda: This is a reading with Linda Dillon and the Council of Love on Nov 19 2011


Archangel Michael: Greetings. I AM Michael, Archangel of Peace, Warrior of Love, Bringer of Truth, Holder of [inaudible].

Welcome my beloved friend.

Casey: Its an honor.

AAM: The honor is mutual, dear heart. For we have travelled together often. In various realities and times. You are of the royal blue ray. And I am proud to claim you as my friend. You are a Halyon engineer, constructor from the outer reaches of the galaxies, one that can work with energy and bring it into various forms. You have known how to do this your entire life.

Where do you wish to begin? Yes, we understand that this is a two-part session. So we do not wish to get into your personal information too deeply. So how do you wish to begin my friend?

C: Well to be as unselfish as possible. So I guess this part being public. I want to give Steve Beckow a chance to ask questions and so I guess my first thing is a general update for S.B. and any of his readers that he wishes to share with.

AAM: Yes, we do. But first of all we want you to know how well you are doing. Now that may seem like a platitude. But let me tell you when the Mother or Father looks at me and smiles at me and tells me how well I am doing it fills me with a light and a love and a joy that I can not even begin to describe.

And so when I tell you as a collective, my fellow friends, the lightworkers, the lightholders, and those that don’t even know how well you are doing, take it as it is meant to fill you with the blue and golden light of joy, with the silver stardust of wonder and with the anchoring of ruby in the heart of Gaia.

Now yes, the portals are opening and continue to open, and many are flying through, and others are standing back and waiting. It matters not.

The point is you are aware. The point is that your heart, your soul, your voyage has already been committed a long time ago. You have not backed out of any agreement. If you have not flown through first off, take heart. It means that there is further work that you have volunteered to assist with.

And I also want you all to know, very few who are listening or reading this message this day are fully anchored in what you think of as Third Dimension or reality. You are straddling realities, you are moving transdimensionally. So it is a matter of degree.

It is not like a space shot, you know, that there is one trajectory and either you get there or you don’t. Long ago we have talked to this channel about those who take the turnpike or the freeway and those who take the scenic road, they both arrive at the same place.

It is simply a matter of personal preference. What you have chosen to do in this time of change. But what you all have done and are doing and what gladdens our heart, our beings, and many beings throughout the universe and the multiverse and the omniverse, is that you have chosen to partake of change.

You have chosen to gather together with all the kingdoms and with Gaia and to ascend into a reality that is a reality of love, that is a reality of cocreation, that is a reality of oneness where we are in balance and where the unity is expressed as community, as cocreation.

For you can not have the old duality of Earth. You already see it slipping away. This is not a win or lose situation, this is a win/win/win/win/win. So what we say is you are doing well. And if you feel that you are still letting go of hurts, of that overcooked spaghetti that I call it, if you feel you are letting go of old emotions you have stored in your hips or your feet, your legs or your arms, if you have hidden it away in the corners of your heart or your psyche, it matters not.

The point is you are letting it go. You are letting in the new light, the new air of the new day.

Now, during this time of change, there are incidents of chaos. The chaos is not being caused by Gaia or Earth changes. The more you join her, the more you support her, the less need she has for shifting in that direction. So understand that as well, my friends. The chaos comes from the human beings.

And it comes from the human beings who are doing this little house cleaning, this letting go, this cleanup. Because whether they are aware of it or not they are being penetrated as well. They are at a point of decision. They are at a point of making choices.

In that often there is some turmoil. Dust is turned up. We ask you, all of you, to keep your shields high and your swords drawn. This is a universal message that we wish all to heed this moment.

It is not the shield of separation. Yes, it is the shield of protection, so that the chaos simply bounces off like a flake of dust. You do not need to incorporate it into your new and shiny self. You do not need to keep on housecleaning, housecleaning, housecleaning.

Also, your shield, I remind you, is inscribed with many symbols, go back and look at it. Remember what those symbols, those pictograms represent. Because they are the tale of you. And as you hold up your shield to the universe you are declaring once again, broadcasting once again the truth of who you are.

So hold that shield up proudly and declare yourself. Hold up your sword, your sword of blue flame that I have given you eons ago.

It is the sword of truth. It is the destroyer of illusion. It is the destroyer of what is not of truth, of rightouseness and of love. It is to eliminate separation. It is to eliminate the illusion of abandonment, the illusion of lack of self worth and self love. So use your mighty sword the way it is intended.

This is a different form of battle because it is the standing in a clear space and declaring your freedom, declaring your truth. It does not mean, and I wish to be clear about this, I am not asking you to engage with dark forces. These are mostly gone.

It is the chaos. And you know, in many ways, my dear heart, the chaos can be more manipulative. It can be harder to get rid of. It is like a film of dust over a table you have just wiped. It is not a huge dust-bunny under your bed that you can grab.

So simply be aware. Stay alert. Anchor down into the heart of Gaia, that you are in oneness with everything and everybody on the planet. Anchor above in the heart of Mother/Father One and allow yourself to simply climb. It is time.

That, my friend, is the general update.

C: Thank you, my good Sir. Steve had a few more specific questions mostly about NESARA. He was wondering, is it only a worldwide prosperity program or are there pre-NESARA bridge programs designed to help lightworkers?

If there are, can there be said anything about them at this time and when will they be coming on-line? Will they be prior to January or February?

AAM: What you have understood as NESARA is basically a reorganisation of financial systems which provided debt relief and equalisation, shall we say, to the masses. Now many of the things that the Company of Heaven, the company of Earth, and the company of starbeings have planned has certainly gone slower than anticipated.

You would think that we are the US military in Afghanistan, would you not?
 But nevertheless because of that, yes, there are what you would call pre-NESARA bridges, situations of people or organisations that have ample monies, funds, and generous hearts.

So there will be programs both private and what you would call quasi-public that are being put into place and will be put into place. Some of them are already in place, you know. They are just not well known always.

So there will be programs that are put into place to assist people and particularly lightworkers, lightholders that are in what you would think of in the Third Dimension as dire financial straits. The purpose of these monies or these funds is to help people to be able to breathe and to do their work, their sacred journey work, the work they have volunteered to do with myself (AA Michael) and others during this time of transition.

The larger NESARA, what you would think of as the NESARA, the official NESARA that so many of you have been waiting and hoping for for years is also dependent on as you know global economy.

And yes, you also know your global economy is in a period of dramatic decay. Now we do not wish to use scare tactics that would be useless, that would simply contribute to the chaos. That is not the purpose of my language. It is just that people need to be aware that this is part of the shift. This is part of the elimination of the illusion.

Now the illusion has been that there is not enough. What NESARA does, it wipes the slate clean and says there is plenty for everybody. There is a lot of ongoing discussion about what that looks like and because of course there are so many vested interests. That is what has caused delays both politically and geopolitically but mostly the biggest issue is the financial institutions who have a great deal invested in this not happening.

Nevertheless we tend to think that it will come about around the time of January, February. Now you also need to know that it is not sequential. It is related to the arrival or the acceptance, because the arrival has happened a long time ago, the acceptance of the presence of your star brothers and sisters.

Because as they arrive, what is valued, what is economically valuable, changes. The values of technology, even of metals, because they bring different metals, and different uses for current metals. Everything changes.

And so it is a perfect juncture to wipe the slate clean and say wait a minute. We need to be constructing. But this is the challenge that I give to all of you and that I have issued very often on behalf of this Council of Love. What do you wish to construct?

We have talked about the tearing down. But what do you wish to build, my friends? That is where the unity and community comes forth. That is where I would like you to be spending some of your time, your energies and your thoughts. Not only by speaking with and through us, but to each other as well. What do you envision your Nova Earth to look like?

Because it does not simply arrive in the Fifth or the Seventh Dimension in form. This is a co-creation. Part of the co-creation is what do you want? What do you desire?

Now the Occupy Movement has been very potent in declaring itself in wanting a unified equality of resources. But what does that look like?

Begin to construct. Particularly, dear Casey, you are a Halyon engineer. Whether you are constructing a merkabah or a cube or a building or a society, you are a builder. You are a constructor.

So, let us know, what do you think?

C: I’d like to contemplate it. I’ll continue to think about it.

AAM: That is all we ask. And yes, you may continue.

C: Ok i was looking over Steve’s questions. I think you covered most of it.

In general, what now remains to be done before Dislosure? And I guess I kind of messed this but are NESARA and disclosure coupled? Or are they proceeding on separate tracks as related to timing?

AAM: Well as we have said they are not completely interdependent but the sequencing of it, it is a domino effect what you are thinking of. What remains before disclosure? Very little. It is already under way.

C: That is good news.

One question.

The word NESARA, this is my personal question for the public to hear. Will the abundance programs be actually called NESARA? It seems to me that name is tied to an act of congress which might help the United States, not necessarily the world.

AAM: It is highly unlikely that it will be called NESARA and the reason being is that this, as you have said, this term has become so politically charged both in a positive and not so positive way and it has come to mean a lot of bureaucratic bungling as well.

And the point is, as you are moving into a new realm, a different realm, that you are thinking more in terms of a unified global community rather than simply a national community. You have seen because of what has happened economically over the past several years more clearly than ever how all the economies are intertwined. You cannot really deal with one without dealing with the globe.

The point being as well is that you do not want to deal with abundance in one area without consideration for your brothers and sisters in another area. So know it will be called something different.

And it is highly unlikely also that it will be called abundance because there are still residuals, opinions, let us put it that way, opinions that abundance is something that you either deserve or you don’t, you work for or you don’t.

And there is a lot of emotion attached to that. So it will in all likelihood just have a very flat name such as inequity program. But you will know when you hear it, you will know.

C: Good.

AAM: We will not name it, the human beings will.

C: Ok, I think those were all the public questions I wanted to ask.


