~Archangel Michael on the Defence Authorization Bill~
One of the subjects I discussed with Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon today was President Obama’s signing off on the bill that allowed for detention without charge or trial of American citizens. Here are Archangel Michael’s comments.
Steve: President Obama signed a bill into law that allows for the indefinite detention of Americans without trial. Would you comment on that please?
Archangel Michael: It is very, very distressing. And he is being pressured, we would say, into this by the powers that be, the paramilitary and the military, which are all the same really, that believe that there are subversives or people who wish to create harm living in the United States.
It is the wrong move. And there have been many on this side who have tried to stay his hand because it jeopardizes the freedom of many. He does so in good faith believing that the security of the populace is at risk. But that is really not the underlying intention of the paramilitary. It simply wants to have expanded freedom in which to work against or detain those who do not adhere to their belief system or their power structure.
Now it is a grave mistake on his part and, yes, it is done with good intention but he is smarter than that. And he is not listening and this is causing a bit of a discussion on this side, as well.
This will not go into effect. It will be stopped before it ever happens. And there is a part of Obama that knows this, that these forces will push so far and so hard that the populace will rebel, that the people will say enough. This is another example, just like the financial institutions, where there is an unconscionable abuse of power.
Now from our side this is certainly not about illegal aliens or terrorists or anyone of that nature. Our concern is that it can be used by those who do not wish to welcome your star brothers and sisters, to hold them in place. And we have said that they have need to come without any fear. We have meant it. And that is one of the reasons why we are anticipating that this will also happen any day, quite literally.
S: So you’re referring to Disclosure here.
AAM: Yes. Disclosure needs to happen before this bill really goes into effect.
S: May I quote you?
AAM: Even lightworkers, even holders of the brightest light, at times do not practice discernment and make errors so you may quote me.