~Archangel Michael Scatters Gems Before Us~
Where in the Bible does it describe groups of people being taught by Archangel Michael? Where does it even say he spoke beyond perhaps giving a one-word command? I’m not aware of any references like that myself.
And yet we of this generation are receiving priceless teachings from this eminent being every week or month. I was out this evening, feasting in sushi and reading his “The Voice of Spirit is Calling,” through Ronna Herman, (1)
I couldn’t believe how priceless the information was that he was conveying. Suddenly I was gripped by the desire to make sure that no one remained somehow unaware of what is being presented to us for our understanding and benefit.
So, sweeping aside all else for the moment, I “have to” take a look at his September 2011 message. My intention is not to go over the whole of it but just to point to some things he says and give us a sense of how fortunate we of this generation are.
He starts out with a description of how the descending light energies are impacting us: “As the Light Cells of God Consciousness infiltrate deeper and deeper into the physical structure, the membranes of Light surrounding the DNA begin to dissolve.” If we were wondering how the light is affecting us, he tells us it is dissolving the membranes of Light that surround what we have thought of as our “junk” DNA.
The activation of the DNA strands, he tells us, was programmed to occur two strands at a time and he gives the different dimensional levels that each pair of DNA relate to.
“As you sank into the density of the lower dimensions, two by two, your DNA strands were encased in membranes of Light and placed in reserve until the time you were ready to begin your journey back into the higher dimensions of Light.”
This is where we are now.
These are not the dimensional levels, for instance, that Suzan Carroll referred to in her recent article. (2) They aren’t the levels of Elohim and so on. They are the dimensional levels in the range that we are traversing presently as humans and Starseeds.
The two strands which are now activated in the physical vessel, he tells us, are attuned to the first-, second- and third- dimensional levels and the other strands are related two at a time to the levels he names here:
Fourth and fifth dimensions: Four Strands of DNA [That is, two additional strands]
Sixth and seventh dimensions: Six Strands of DNA
Eighth and ninth dimensions: Eight Strands of DNA
Tenth and eleventh dimensions: Ten Strands of DNA
Twelfth dimension: Twelve Strands of DNA
He then reveals how the higher levels of our being fit and are activated, each new level descending to and residing within our eighth chakra, our soul star. He tells us that, “according to plan, sometime in your early years of life you awakened to the nudging /whisperings of your Soul Self, and a Soul/personality merge process began.” If we “heed the ‘Voice of Spirit,’” by which I assume he means the still, small inner voice, “gradually, over time, this higher dimensional facet of your Soul OverLights you and radiates Its refined Light frequencies into your chakra system and auric field.”
As each new facet is integrated, “the next more advanced Spark of your multi-dimensional Being moves down into the Eighth Chakra position and becomes your OverSoul consciousness. This process will be repeated over and over again until, sometime in the far distant future, you will be reunited with your Divine I AM Presence / your God Self.”
Now let’s stop there for a moment and reflect on what he’s just said: “This process will be repeated over and over again until, sometime in the far distant future, you will be reunited with your Divine I AM Presence / your God Self.”
Let me see if I understand him correctly. The secret of how I shall return to God has just been given me in his September message.
He’s just told me the process by which I accomplish life’s overarching purpose and fulfill its sacred design by reuniting with my Divine I AM Presence, which we know as the culminating event of life; that is, of all our lifetimes.
Out of all the literature I’ve read in the past year, here I am reading a message from Archangel Michael that tells me, in foreshortened fashion granted, how to complete the purpose of life. Excuse me while I phone all my relatives long distance, all my teachers, all my friends and tell them what I’ve just read. How many would appreciate the treasure I’m holding in my hands right now?
If you appreciate the treasure I’m holding in my hands right now, then I can skip ahead and just touch on a few other matters but leave this document for you to pore over, as it deserves.
He reveals how the chakras figure in the design of life:
“The qualities, attributes and virtues of the Seven Rays of God Consciousness were also placed within Spheres of Light. These spheres, known as chakras, were designed to spin at a very high velocity, which made them appear to be spinning cones of Light radiating from the front and back of the physical body.”
He tells us what we are doing at the present time:
“Now you are striving to reverse the process as you seek to eliminate all the discordant frequencies you have created down through the ages, thereby purifying your four-lower bodily systems, physical, mental, emotional and astral, so that you can move beyond your physiological limitations.”
He tells us that we next must overcome our own self-centeredness, which has served a purpose until now.
“You must move from a self-centered attitude; however, this does not occur until you are well on the path of ascension. Remember, we have told you there is a virtue in “selfishness” or a time of intense self-absorption when you are endeavoring to heal/balance your human bodily vessel in preparation for an infusion of higher frequency Light.
“This preparatory stage is important for each higher level of Light infusion; otherwise it would be like inserting a 110 volt electrical plug into a 220 volt outlet, which would result in an instant shock and, most likely, the destruction of the appliance (physical vessel).”
Just two days ago, a light bulb over my head suddenly popped and came apart. At the time, I inspected the damage and wondered why this event had occurred in my life at exactly this time. Tonight as I read this article, I remembered what I thought as I reflected on the case of the strange exploding light bulb and realized that I could take in the Boss’s metaphor more easily for that experience.
He then tells us exactly what we must refine to accomplish our purpose in this next leg of the journey:
“It is extremely important that you focus on refining the seven chakras of the bodily form, thereby creating /activating your Pillar of Light that runs in front of the spinal column. This Pillar of Light must reestablish its connection to the Heart Core Center of the Earth and to your Star Tetrahedron, your Soul Star, which is eight to twelve inches above the crown of your head. When this is accomplished, you will gradually gain access to the five higher Rays of Creator Light, which will complete your Divine imprint for this particular Round of Evolution.”
He explains to us why service is so important at this time.
“We must explain, however, that during your journey back into the higher dimensions, you will be asked to accept many special missions and you will usually agree; for this is the way the ascension process was designed. You will forever seek to return to the fullness of your God Consciousness, but you will also maintain a burning desire to serve in some way; for deep within your Sacred Heart there is a Seed Crystal that pulsates with pure love and an inborn desire to serve.”
Notice that reference to the longing for liberation or divine discontent: “You will forever seek to return to the fullness of your God Consciousness.” He didn’t hold up a neon sign and say “Remember the longing for liberation” but what he’s describing is a design feature of life that God has built into us: an unquenchable longing to merge with the Divine again and heal our original wound of separation.
He tells us how the divine expansion of our knowledge occurs:
“Conscious awareness is developed through gradual stages of awakening and understanding more complex and refined concepts. As you progress, you will gradually gain access to higher and higher dimensional-levels of consciousness during your nightly Astral Body travels. You are taken to halls of learning and eventually into halls of wisdom.”
He tells us when we can rejoin our server or soul groups:
“You will automatically be taken there when your Soul Song resonates to the mid-fourth dimensions and above. You will go there when you have balanced 51% of your karma, and are truly making an effort to control your emotional nature. You will go there when you begin to see the best in those around you, and you are endeavoring to move out of judgment as you learn to view life and the world through eyes filtered with compassion.”
OK, the knowledge that St. Germain endured privation for, that Jesus descended into the bowels of the Earth to learn, is brought to our door each month like a daily newspaper. How lucky are we?
Never mind that he tells us that the “desire for material riches is being replaced with a yearning for Soul consciousness.” Never mind the advice that “you must evolve from a passive mode of Being into a newly refined State of Being as an action-oriented, expansive Bearer of Light if you are to become a COCREATIVE MASTER OF LIGHT.” We’ll leave till next time the fact that he tells us:
“Focused intelligence is necessary to successfully enter the fifth dimension and, then, to tap into the vast storehouse of wisdom and advanced abilities available therein. Meditation and a strong Soul-consciousness open the portal to cosmic revelation.”
Why, he drops these pearls of wisdom every month! There is always more time!
Whenever has humanity been so privileged to have this knowledge be brought to our screens on a regular basis – contact with and teaching from such an exalted source?
That’s all I’m going to say. I’m turning off the TV, leaving the pile of papers where they lie around me, not reading my email. Tonight I’m spending more time on this wonderful message. Then later on, I’m going over to Ronna’s site and read a passel more. Let the phone ring. Let my neighbor pound on the door. This can’t wait.
The longing for liberation, the divine discontent, the sacred inner fire burns brightly and I can’t but heed it. I am not my own boss. I am not even my own servant. I belong to Another and I cannot resist that Other’s voice.
(1) Archangel Michael, “The Voice of Spirit is Calling,” Sept. 2011, through Ronna Herman, at http://stevebeckow.com/2011/08/archangel-michael-the-voice-of-spirit-is-calling/
(2) “Suzan Caroll: Multidimensional News – August 2011,” Aug. 12, 2011, at http://stevebeckow.com/2011/08/suzan-caroll-multidimensional-news-august-2011/