Archangel Michael
through Linda Dillon with Steve Beckow ~~Reshare~
Many people were disappointed that 11.11.11 was described by SaLuSa as a tidal wave of love, but many people seemed to have felt nothing. Can you take a moment out, please, to discuss what did happen on 11.11.11, and why many people would not have apparently felt anything?
Archangel Michael:
Yes, I would be pleased to talk about this. Now the 11.11.11, as you know, is an opening, a gateway, but it is also the continuation and part of the completion of the original 12.12 [Dec. 12, 1993]. I have spoken of this a great deal, but I will make this brief.
When your original 11.11 [Nov. 11, 1992] occurred, it was the opening of the human hearts to love and to expansion of love. In the following year, in 1993, you had the opening of what has been known as 12.12 [Dec. 12, 1993]. That was the opening of a portal for balance, but people forgot because the opening of the portals was so close together. They thought that they [teh portal openings] had ended, but they had not.
It was not just a year-long event. It is an event that has continued on and will continue on to 2012. So, that energy of the opening of the human hearts to love and opening of the human hearts to be back — well all of the human being — into the place of balance has been going on for a long time.
The portal of 11.11.11 was an intensification of that flow of love. That portal opened wide. Now it was a two-way portal, and, by this, I mean that some were permitted, prepared anxious, eager, volunteered to go through that portal into the fifth dimension. Most of those who volunteered and went through, which was less than anticipated, were those who are acting as what we call gatekeepers, assisting those who are in the next wave.
What people were expecting, and this may feel familiar to you, a complete shift in the planet to love — that tidal wave of love.
Depending on where people were anchored, and we do not mean geographically, we mean within their heart and their consciousness, some received it and felt it very strongly. Some did not feel it at all. What they felt was what you my friend have also experienced: disappointment, frustration, emptiness, anger. That was good news because the tidal wave pushed that right through them to the surface and washed it away.
Now what you are going to be seeing and what many will be feeling, and I will be interested to hear back from you on this . Well, I am actually listening in. Do you know I read your columns every day? [Laughter.] They will begin to feel the love. They will begin to feel the difference. They will begin to perceive differently. They were hoping for a very quick open and close, a take off, but it is very much like a wave. It is the wave that is covering the earth, and far beyond by the way, and it is sinking into the people.
Some have sought high ground, some are still in the doldrums, but all are receiving — not only the cleansing washing, but the beautiful love. So, if there was residual, can we say, to be cleansed away. Well, it certainly came to the surface.
This is also part of what the humans love to do. They choose a date, and it is only one day, but it is not. It is like a wedding day. You have a very special day, but then the truth of the divine union, that sacred partnership, truly begins to grow, to anchor, to blossom, to flourish. So, my guidance and my prayer for those who are feeling that they have not received their just dues by 11.11.11 is continue to open and receive.
Wonderful. You said 11.11 and 12.12. What do those numbers translate to as dates?
11.11 was November 11, 1992.
And 12.12 was December 12, 1992?
1993. That was the opening. It truly started in 1987 with the harmonic convergence. Now this is your period building up to the conclusion that you are really in the middle of right now. That is why these dates or these portals are re-emerging.
OK, well, that's very good, Lord.
Thank you very much for explaining that.
Hi Steve, I would like to
Hi Steve, I would like to report that personally myself 11 11 11 was very intense, not in the way you would think but things blew up at my house. I was already to get into some serious meditation and join in on the mass meditation groups going on around the world when chaos broke out. My wife had gone off the deep end, she had a hard time and was blaming me for everything wrong in her life.
I must say that all the cleansing and releasing I had been going through for the last 3 years had started to take it's toll on my marriage. My wife did not fully understand what was going on with me, she choose rather to see it as a wedge between us. She has now started down the road of clearing and cleansing herself and 11 11 11 seemed to be the catalyst. for this.
What I am trying to say is: I see that there has been a profound effect on all, it all matters on which level of awareness you were opperating at. May I say that the reason many did not ascend might also have been because to many were looking for a magical date thinking that because we percive that day as being a magical number, that that would be enough, or they have practiced certain techs, in which they were told that is what they needed to do to go through the portal and ascend etc. etc.
In other words to many people were tying to ascend their ego's, thinking that their ego needed to do something to make this happen... Many were also looking for others to make it happen, giving to reliance on others to do what we ourselves need to do for ourselves.
Something that was shown to me long ago, is that in fact it would be best if folk did not study certian practices, tech's, schools of thought or spriituality. That in doing so we will become more reliant on others or the techs that we loose focus on the fact that our true selves already know what we need to do and they got it covered! The most important thing for us to do is surrender the ego to our true selves and be focused on our personal temple cleaning so we may be able to fully do this.
My personal filter to all those that claim this and that and that you need to learn this or you will have a rude awakening. I tell them to demonstrate! Demonstrate the tech, show me the "money" If they can not demonstrate to me, it is just scheme to profit on whats happening.
Would one go ahead and buy som high tech gadjet or invest in a technology without proper demonstration of the product, that it works and does what they say it will do? Heck no and if someone is trying to get you to blindly do this you can be assured it is a scam.
To me this is how we need to approch all these folk looking to make a bunch on their so called sure thing or have to have or you will be having a rude awakening.
I have this to say, this is an innerwork, this is a work of Spirit, this is something in which our true selves need to be doing, not our ego self. Those that choose to look to others or depend on some tech taught by anyother than their true selves will most likely have a rude awakening!
Much Love Brother, worry not, the snowball is rolling down the mountain, there is no stopping it!