july 1, 2014
It is the awakened human that acknowledges that they are inter-galactic or galactic; that they are part angelic or archangelic; that they are sheer energy and a spark of light; that they have been the most grievous sinner and the most beatific saint. So too you are realizing that Source, that Mother/Father God/One, is having the experience of you in all those forms integrated into your body and more specifically your expanded field, because that is truly who you are…
Graham Dewyea: Hello, and welcome to An Hour with an Angel, with Linda Dillon, the channel for the Council of Love and author of The New You: Emerging into the Brilliance of Humanity’s Heart Consciousness.
Joining her is Steve Beckow, founder of the Golden Age of Gaia and author of Building Nova Earth: Toward a World that Works for Everyone. Our guest today is Archangel Michael. So, with that I’ll pass it over to you, Steve.
Steve Beckow: Thank you very much, Graham. And today we’ll be continuing a discussion that Archangel Michael and I were having on May 30th. Hour with an Angel is usually a current affairs program, but this particular show is going to be aired while Linda is away, and so we can’t really gear it towards current events. So we’re going to continue our conversation about the Angelic Kingdom. And with that I welcome Archangel Michael.
Archangel Michael: Greetings, I am Michael, archangel of peace, warrior of love…. Historian? No. [Laughs] But let me join you in this conversation, and as we begin, my beloved brother, my beloved friends, let us begin this day not only by illuminating the flame, my Blue Flame of Truth, within you, let me also step forward and remind each of you of your angelic heritage, of that seed of that angelic that rests within, around, each of you.