Archangel Zadkiël ~~ My assistance in your ascension proces

glr_Andrea's picture




Archangel Zadkiël ~~ My assistance in your ascension proces ~~ 02/09/2012  by GLR Méline Lafont.


Greetings, beloved souls dwelling on Earth. I go by the name of Archangel Zadkiël and I wish to step forward through this scribe to communicate with you. As is generally known I am the Archangel of prophecy and of Ascension. And as this time is the golden time of Ascension and liberation, I can be called upon by all of you to assist you in your Ascension process and that of beloved Mother Earth.

My deepest wish is to see you ALL ascend to a higher and greater vibration on which we all can meet and cooperate without being hindered by the numerous veils nor by the many hindrances which up until now have always kept us apart from each other. Those veils/hindrances are now vanishing to make way for a close cooperation and commitment between us.
The Archangels dwell and move effectively around all of you and we never budge from your side. We take on the form of energetic beings, we are multidimensional in essence and can therefore be present everywhere in each specific moment as an energy. This implies that nobody, not a  single soul, will be left without our assistance and at all times you are all surrounded by our emissaries and by the emissaries of the Divine Kingdom of the Light. We love you all so deeply!


My biggest ambition is to see you all Ascend and join the Higher Realm together with your beloved planet and star system, which is your rightful path anyway. Duality is as good as over and has provided enough lessons to many souls among you who now have opted for the Ascension process. As to the other souls who have not yet awakened, they will be allowed to learn more lessons on duality for a while longer. They will of course receive infinitely more chances to Ascend.
Allow me to help you pave the way and feel free to call on me when you notice yourself stumbling to release certain issues, which by themselves are rather earthbound or are depending on the illusion in which you dwell presently. Nothing or nobody has to keep you here in this illusion, certainly not yourself nor your emotions towards others. It is necessary to release all, including yourself, in order to be able to depart to a higher frequency. You have to overcome just what you have considered real during numerous incarnations, and I refer to your self image as well. Let it all go, allow me to help you all to release it all, everyone and everything included. This will help liberate you from this illusion.
What you will now release will not only facilitate your Ascension process but will see to it that the next step will be even greater and smoother. The time has come now to work on that, this will not only improve the collective of humanity but also will have a liberating effect on yourselves. Feel free to call upon me, I will gladly step forward to assist you in this.
I greet you all wholeheartedly,
Archangel Zadkiël

Copyright © 2012 by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.




My Dear,

Listener's picture

It is so good to hear these words from You.  You know what could help Us?  Some sort of an idea of just what the heck it is all about.  Many Spiritual Platitudes are offered in Love but to tell you the Truth...I have no idea and am about lunk headed as a Rock (not that Tellurics have no life...sometimes they travel...I especially like pretty stones...) But I digress...I don't know about everybody but this Veil is solid and I suppose it would be like teaching the Quantum Theory to an Anteater but I wish I had some conception of where I'm going.  Platitudes.  You say it is nice there.  But what is going to cause this shift?  Energy coming from the Central Sun.  It is so 50's here in Idaho.  I swear if you put the old cars back on the street nothing will have changed. Certainly not the People.

But this remains clear:  I will treat it as an Illusion...But I still have to be at work on time...Am I just Dumb?

NO you're not dumb! You

glr_Andrea's picture

NO you're not dumb! You simply see more than others and feel lonely. Yes, go on understanding this is an illusion and focus on your Being Love. Even a small seed can grow into the biggest tree. The shift is caused by many seeds spreading around the Planet in such places where a draught of Love happened. You can be Your and others water, even without saying a single word, by simply Being. We're with You Love. In each breath you take we breath with you. And we Love You. Thank You for Being Love! You're helping all!

Raising our Vibrations

S'hauni Waterdragon's picture

I am sure most of us feel just like you, I know I do/did.  May I recommend an excellent book that my guides led me to, that brought me much insight and even a checklist to work on!  That would be: Guide to Raising Our Vibrations for the New Age by Sherri Courtland.  I have no personal financial interest in this resource.  Blessed be, dear one!