Arcturian Group 4/8/12.

glr_Andrea's picture


Arcturian Group 4/8/12.


APRIL 8, 2012

We come today to wish you a very happy holiday–that is holy-day, for Easter represents the journey each soul must take as they move into enlightenment and out of the lessons of the third dimension.

This journey is that of life lived as best an individual can, based upon their personal belief system and governed by current rules of duality and separation. Life continues “normally” until at some point in an individual’s spiritual evolution there comes the crucifixion. The crucifixion is that time in which everyday life no longer works as it always has. What up to that point has been predictable, suddenly comes to a screeching halt either through some particular experience, experiences, or a new unfolding inner awareness. To outside observers as well as the individual himself, this period may appear to be one of absolute failure, loss, and something dreaded. To those still fully emersed in third dimensional values it is indeed seen as loss and failure, but to the experiencing soul it is movement; the death of that which is now finished and the birth of the new.

The crucifixion is a series of painful experiences often accompanied by humiliation and judgement from the individual as well as those around him who are only able to see from the concepts they may hold of successful living. These experiences can vary in degrees of intensity or loss because some individuals only respond and learn the hard way through painful experience, while others do not need great intensity in order to move forward. However, know that all souls are prepared and ready for the experience of crucifixion or it would not happen even though most are not consciously aware of this.

After a time of adjustment, resting, being tempered by experience, and letting go, a new state of consciousness begins to emerge. The new man is being born, one strong and more self-complete; one having released much that heretofore held him in bondage to third dimensional concepts of love, life, success, health, and all the issues of daily living. A new and more perfect man is being born and this is the resurrection, dear ones.

It is a surrender, a death to all that is finished. Lessons on earth were meant for learning but were never intended to go on forever. The crucifixion experience can be and usually is very scary as the mind struggles to plan and plot solutions according to what is already known, and yet the individual is forced by circumstances to live in the now moment. Low and behold out of this intense fear arises a new experience–the sky does not fall down and life goes on in new ways in spite of the dire predictions of those observing from their place of duality.

The crucifixion and resurrection are not experiences that took place to only one special man 2000 years ago. All will and many are now, experiencing crucifixion and resurrection and through it are moving ever more quickly into ascension. Jesus seeded a dense human consciousness with truth, adding light to a human matrix of world beliefs which then in turn allowed those ready, to access new ways of seeing and being. He brought to mankind a level of understanding that many were ready for but most did not understand. His experience reflected the experiences of all mankind. Jesus was the way-shower for a struggling world because always there will be teachers, way-showers, and healers for those ready–mankind is never abandoned or left completely on their own.

After crucifixion and resurrection, one then also becomes a way-shower, helping others now ready to move out of the false concepts of duality and separation. Many are way showers now. The Light on earth is becoming increasingly bright. You are soon to manifest a new world, a world in which all life is respected and seen as an expression of the one Divine Life.

This is why you chose to experience duality and separation, dear light beings, to see if you could find your way back home in spite of the intense experiences manifest by the un-illumined state of consciousness. You are doing it now! You have moved through lifetimes of darkness and are quickly moving into the Light.

This is the true meaning of Easter–the crucifixion and resurrection out of darkness and into light of ascension.

Blessed Easter every day.

We are the Arcturian Group 4/8/12.




thats good

Guy's picture

The last 2 years was filled with emotion,lost my girlfriend of 21 years,lost my work compensation for my injured wrist,lost my duplex that i just bought,got a car accident,lost money because of my lawyer,next week im loosing my job,but thru it all i feel great,and one time of ending it all came to mind,but i knew i had to come back and start again,so i stayed,many morning i woke up,with 3.16 am,and i was wondering why,can it be,my crucifixion,and my resurrection that i lived?

I too have gone through what

GemConscious's picture

I too have gone through what I've described as the worst nightmare of my live in the last 3 years.  A devistating divorce where anger resentment and every negative emotion possible was brought to the surface.  There were  many times I did not think I could make it but constantly prayed for strength and guidence and it was there.   It was there even when I did not think it was.  I came close to acting out some hanus crimes agains others that I believed had hurt me and deserved to suffer the same as what they( I believed at the time) had done to me.  


My own crusifiction has been a tough one but I am through it and looking back can see and be greatful for all that has brought me to where I am now.  I pray for all of you who are experiencing the letting go of all that is no longer nessesary in order to assend.   Have Faith.  Have courage.  Keep the light, however so small it may appear to be in your heart alive.  Love will endure and so too will humanity and our Blessed Mother Earth.



Thank you

glr_Andrea's picture

for sharing with ALL your experience. You just shared PURE LOVE from your Heart!



It has been quite a time

tina dunn's picture

It has been quite a time indeed. For me as well the past 3-4 years have truely turned my life upside down. I also lost my beautiful home with even a more heavenly piece of land to forclosure, my pets, my husband of 17yrs, my teeth, and letting go of my job as a caregiver for the last 12years. The pain and confusion, the days and nites of seeming hell, the feelings of sadness and loss, the anger and the name it, I have felt it. Also the challenge of trying to help my beloved child through all of it was so painful and sad for me because I knew it was/had affected her so much, But here we are, I am today seeing things different some how. I am not as devastated, I know deep within that this was the best thing that could ever have happened. I am following my heart my passion for writing and photographing this beautiful earth. I am publishing two books, I am eating healthier, I am at peace more, I am helping my child get thru high school, I am learning how to love myself and honor myself and to give to myself. I am learning to let go and just BE. I am awakening to my truth, that I am divine perfection in motion, I am lovable, loving, beautiful and worthy. I am letting go of the old worn out beliefs that no longer serve me. I am letting go of my story. I am letting go and learning to be in the moment and not worrying about the future. I don't care about the past, I just want to BE and walk in peace, and be kind and loving toward all things and allow love to flow through me. I feel like a new me is blossoming, the REAL ME. The me that is a reflection of divine truth. For this I am so thankful for everything that has happened, for in the larger scope of things, everything has and is just perfect for me to grow.