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pleiadedolphininfos Tuesday, July 9, 2013

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The veil is daily becoming thinner, as the dark elements that have dominated your planet are loosing their power.                       
Fountains of light are now entering your atmosphere with a new power that has not been able before to penetrate your realm.
Most of you who are awake and conscious about the Ascension Process feel this very tangibly in their lives, not only in their body-mind. 
As the body changes, challenged by higher and higher frequencies, also your feelings and intuitions adapt and so your mind and so the things in your world.
Many of you are now able to look directly into higher dimensional realms and feel the vibrations and consciousness of a Divine World. The Divine World has always been there, only that you have not been noticing It. You have been blinded and your awareness was restricted to a very small part of Creation.
This small part has been considered since Thousands of years by even  your scientists to be the all that is existing and possible. Not to mention your religions that tied you intentionally to limitation and false self-identity.
But now all of this more or less suddenly disappears, and you are being connected to your own Truth, that you now are able to remember.
It is this remembrance that brings you home, this remembrance that heals all your wounds that you accumulated in many lifetimes on this from light deprived planet.
What else would heal you than the knowing of your own True Self, that is now revealing Itself to you.
It is time to accept to Be Who You Are and to let go of all false self-ideas and of self-limitations. Let go of mind-constructs with which you were misguided to define yourself. Listen to your  deepest emotion within. It is the trace that guides you to the tiny spot in your heart, which, when you pass through it, gives room to your eternal and vast Being of Divine Self.
Please oblige yourself from now on with all your heart to wake up to Your True Self. And we bless you for  this! Now is the time for this great adventure of True Self-Discovery! Do not delay anymore! Do not distract yourself with lesser goals! What you need in this world will always be there for you, when you find Your-Self.
This is the time to fulfill the purpose you came here for, and you are being given now the splendid opportunity for the glorious Revelation That Is You, One with All-That-Is.
There are many sidetracks too, that try to occupy your mind. But choose wisely, only to make use of those means that assist you in your Self-Revelation.
This is so necessary, because very soon a time will come where you need to stand in your Own Very Truth, to receive fully the Blessings of the Magnificent Divine Gift that will be Given to all. But  you can only receive it fully when you are prepared! Have you not passionately longed for this?
Simultaneously the Discovery and Realization of your own Self will be a Blessing for others as you help them in this most important transformational event to experience what would otherwise have flushed away by their fear and confusion.
It is of greatest importance to set now your priorities, unceasingly and with faith, joy and love. Because you all are One Humanity, your own opening to the Infinite Divine triggers the opening of the hearts of the unconscious ones who dream still the illusion of the old world.
Help them to wake up by your entering the Realm of Divine Eternity, Light and Love now. The Celestial Event that will soon Enlighten the Universe is the visible sign and prove for what the great majority of humanity has been considering a phantasy merely.
But this Event will open their eyes and your Divine Awareness and Knowing of Truth that has already happened  in your own Heart and Consciousness, will see Its Own Reflection in  what the Creator Forces are Revealing to your whole world and the Universes as well.
Know that what lies ahead of you is Greater than you can imagine or think of. It will turn your world  around, and forever bring it into a New Divine and Glorious  Direction, leaving behind all darkness and the illusionary reality that this darkness created.
The Radiance of your New Divine World will outshine everything of your past. And all will emerge, purified from old remembrances, in great Joy.
This is truly the day of resurrection, prophesied for so long. It is the Grand Marriage of all the Heavens and Earth.
This is not and never has been just a science fiction, but has been always pointing to the Truth of Divine Reality, that so many of you have doubted, thinking it was merely a wishful imagination. But they did not know that it was about the Real, hidden since Millenniums. Now  the coin flips around, and what has been perceived as reality, is now revealed to be a deception. 

And when this deception is being understood, the coin can be dropped altogether, because what is Arising now is the Divine Truth prior and beyond duality. It is Mere Being of Happiness, One, Undivided and Eternal. This is the Revelation of your True Being-ness, your  True Self.
And this Is The One to Which your Whole World is Awakening!
With so much Blessings, Love and Excitement!
We Are the Arcturians! 

Message conveyed by Ute



Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


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Very enlightening~

David Porter's picture

Thank you Ute,

And thank you Arcturians for this message of, from my perspective, "hope," is this correct?

Personally I have had more than one experience in The Light of The Other Side. I tell you this so you know that I KNOW that there is a Heavenly Kingdom to look forward to.

I ask the most common questions that the people want to know and give the most common or suggestions, remarks and edit the people want to convey. I do with with little to no reserve as if You can be offended we are all in for it!!! This stems from "self-important" issues which we all hope you don't have any of.

You said:

"The Celestial Event that will soon Enlighten the Universe is the visible sign and prove for what the great majority of humanity has been considering a phantasy merely."

We are quite aware that we have some comets headed our way "soon" and the big guy in November to seed new life on our plant of different sorts. If this is the "Celestial Event" you express, will it not just be another far off light show that will pass and over "time," lots of it we will eventually see results from it?

And by the way when you say "soon" is that a linear soon that we can expect, say this year?

"This is not and never has been just a science fiction,"

So far it hasn't been evident to most to be anything more than science fiction. After all you gave much similar information for the last several years on said topics and so far what tangible results do we have to show for it?

TELL US ONE THING AND SHOOT FROM THE HIP AND GIVE US EXACTS. Will we have any of the promised to us "EVENTS" or main stream media "disclosure" or NESARA in our bank accounts, or mass arrest (containment) for ALL of the cabal and I mean ALL of them, or will we have the free energy devices, or will we have debt forgiveness, or will we all see enough of your ships in our skies daily to know that your are in fact here and no long afraid of showing us that fact? We are not the ones afraid I assure you, very few of us if any.

Will any of the about stated "events" take place within our year of 2013, by end year. Yes, no or maybe? Select one and justify your position as needed or required by the Big Guy up stairs. Someone always gets the blame when what you say will take place doesn't and it's usually us or Heaven's Decree.

You know, the same "Advisory Board" that gave you permission for full disclosure of Your Selves to us at the end of the inauguration. Clouds over Mt Shasta not acceptable, I mean PLEASE Guys and Gals up there, we are after all "You" in a lowered vib, right? So don't go trying put it over on us again and again or we will rest assured that there is something hidden that you don't want us to know about your assignment. We have enough of that down here.

Why must you continue to tell us children all about our Christmas gifts that we don't have but have been advised of by you for years that it's just around our linear corner? What is your mission, purpose behind this, so far, most miss leading messaging to us down and out here? I bet you have a bumper sticker on your ship that says; "BE HAPPY" don't you? You incarnate down here and apply that.

If by slim chance that you are who you claim and in it for us, we all appreciate your enduring efforts in-spite of my continued edit which by the way, will continue until my people are Home safe. If you are the cabal then I can certainly see why you continue to advise us of looking to the heart and forgiving you rather than locking and loading.

Have a nice star day or under ground tunnel day where ever you are.


David Porter

Author of the series