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~Galactic Love Reporter, First Contact and Galactic Free Press Staff Team Member Predrag~







Beloved Robin,


Truly you touched me.... I am so honored that one by one, we are coming out of darkness, out of ignorance toward our soul, we are coming in the Love of MotherFatherGod and Gaia...


Simply, do not think too much, about writing, as by thinking and analyzing is way to strongly connected only with your ego and with your 'to do job/school', just do it when you have an urge....


And this urge can be in beginning tears of joy, dreams with the poems lines, daydreams how you would fix the society, small nudges after meditation, sudden email or web-page opened on you laptop..... and so many different ways.....



Just consider this, that God is trying to get our attention with every single being of ours, with every single thought that we have, and that 'coincidences' are truly meant to be crucial events happening toward our awakening....


I found my inspiration in reading other souls writings, or soul music, or listening Galactic Friends and Spiritual Teachers recordings on YouTube or blog radios, or watching my children’s photos, or meditating with my dog in my lap, and hearing her sending me her love without reason....


And one of most cherished ways is this one: this conversation, what you are doing with me at this moment, simply being you, and commenting on my posts, and giving yourself a freedom to expand your view how you lived till now, and how you awoke, and how you are planning to share your love with us.....


Can you imagine, that I awoke in to writing for others only, only couple of years ago... sometime in 2004/5, in my early 40-ties, starting with movie scripts, short novels, comedy pieces, funny poems... and this exploded in my face, when I realized that all my education, all my schooling, all my 'havings', all my businesses, that all my relations were established on basics of money and powers are truly worthless, and that I will not be able to carry any of my houses or cars with me through Ascension....


I was basing all of my doing and living only on how much profit I can take, how much control of other souls I can have, how many employees I had under my 'supervision', how many orgasms I can have within a week time, how many titles I add after and before my name.....


Now, when I look back, I immediately start laughing, as now I know the truth.... This was only for me there to learn something more about how easy we, humans can drop in to this materialistic existence, where only titles, powers, assets, profits are the way of existence......


How easy we can drop down, in the well of materialism, and hoping that if we fill this well with more 'goods' and 'assets', so we can claim out of this well in near future.... What an illusion this was..... So, I continued to fill and re-fill my well of 'fortunes', but I felt more and more that I am drowning in my own 'havings' and 'ownings'....


As more 'financially rich' I become, I felt that something so heavy was placed on my heart.... It was fear of loosing all of 'it'....


There was so many fears: What if I get sick, and cannot work that much?.... What if some of partners or employees steel all the money from me?..... What if wife decide to split, and take half or all that I created?.... What if government discovers that I charge two of my cars on different companies?... What if?..... What if?....



You writing about experiences with meditation-day with friends is truly inspiring.... It kept me reading for more, and I feel there is more that you can say, as by simply sharing your experiences with other souls, you are reliving them, and you are become a Giver in this last 3D life.....


And as much you write/paint/sing/share your soul art, you are actually becoming bigger and bigger conciseness within the same heart of yours....As much as you share you with others, you are filling your well of fortune with pure love....


While takers, start realizing that they can only consume so much in their stomachs, they can only hoard and collect so much in their houses, they can have only so many relations or love scores in a week time.....


On the other side, Givers realize that they can have their soul filled with so much love from FatherMotherGod, from other souls and simply by this act of acceptance of pure love, Givers get surprised how much more space and time get created in their hearts..... Simply by acknowledging this truth..... Simply by knowing MotherFatherGod.....  Simply by realizing their task here on Gaia, they become enlightened, they become Givers .....



Learn how to Give, only what you have in your heart, as only Givers know where to look for God....


With Love only, Predrag


