This is CMAton of Nebadon, your Sovereign,
Just before starting his evening meditation, I caught this scribe's attention to take a message instead.
Alot of water has passed under the bridge the last few earthly days, meetings came and went like the birds and the bees, decissions have been made to the benefit and Highest purpose of ALL involved, things start to move in the streets, mother Earth is waking up, yet I see many a Light worker struggling to keep the oil burning.
Many messages and channelings have been read, yet somehow something is missing.
Your Internet is full of announcements of events happening all over the world, yet something does not add up.
You know so many things others don't, yet you are in some predicament and don't see the way out.
You call yourself in the knowing, yet somehow you are waiting, like the end will never come.
Familiar with those feelings, with those statements that I take out of your hearts and minds ???
Let me share something with you my Beloveds : all of the above is about theory, about knowing, about the mind that does or does not understand.
Yet what is lacking and missing is YOURSELF in the picture.
Now according to your own knowing and thinking : you may have all the understanding, all the knowledge, all the latest events in the world on your computer screen, BUT YOU ARE NOT IN THE PICTURE. You are looking, reading from a distance, yet no part of it all. You lack the experience, the field work, at least that is what you think of your mission. You already know that all the knowledge in the world will not give you wisdom. Only the applying of knowledge through practice AND SEEING THE RESULT BY YOUR OWN HANDS, will give you WISDOM.
Otherwise you are guessing, thinking, but not ENJOYING THE EXPERIENCE AND ITS SWEET OUTCOME.
Now how can you expect me to talk about a sweet outcome, when all the world is in chaos, in shambles, in upheaval, and with a little bit of common sense, you can see where all of that is going, what might come next on the list of what some secretly are trying to achieve, hidden in plain sight, yet understood by very few... See the Occupy Movement as perfect example. You could call it a necessary evil, something that has to happen, yet funded by the wrong crowd that only feeds their own agenda, their future plans ...
I have come to tell you, My Beloveds : also that shall pass, since when all stands in flame and some secretly bring in their games of total oppression, we shall step forward and claim that momentum by coming forward, explaining our Divine Plans and teaching those still around, and yes they know, but ignore till the bitter end.
Now let me bring those two together : yourself missing in the picture and the others executing their plans.
Being in the knowing, or at least some part of it, yet seeing things going the other way is indeed not an easy thing to experience. That is what some of you, My Beloved Light Workers and Starseed are suffering from. One would say Patience, yet even that comes to an end, when nothing goes the way you expected or envisoned it to go ... Perhaps you forgot you only know a part of it, one! Two : you have not fully understood what you part and role is in all of it. Three : you do not have the courage to step up to the plate and proclaim the truth you carry inside. Four : its all in theory, nothing in practice, so you get bored. Five : you are told to stay away from the action, not judge, only observe, let it be. Six : you ran out of money since you hoped all of it would be over by now and you let go of the hard work and putting something aside. Seven : you want me to go on .... ? Oh I see your hearts, and I see your doubts when your lights are shrinking. Some would even think to be a failure.
Do you now see why I had to come and talk to you? So you would know that stretching the rope has never worked too well. It always ran into a weaker spot, that gave way, and was the spot where the rope eventually sheared and broke. Let me tell you My Children of the Light, you know in your heart what you know. Nobody has to come and tell you if you are on track or not? If by now, the meditations and personal talks, YOU PERSONALLY, WITH NOBODY IN BETWEEN, have not brought you WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW, then get of the medication the doktor described you, for it only made you fall asleep.
Your Inner and Higher Secure Connection works according to your hunger to know. Now please stop going outside for help, when all the answers ARE WITHIN. And when you have stopped accusing others not having told you, or blaming others for the circumstances you are in, AND YOU TAKE BACK YOUR RESPONSABILITY TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT, then you will achieve results, then you will understand in full, then your heart and soul will have told you what to do, and what not to do. You are not asked to change the world, but at least start changing YOUR WORLD if there is need to, and that you KNOW. Then you will come back PERSONALLY INTO THE PICTURE, of YOUR WORLD.
To much distractions are leading you astray, and the peace and calmth and answers Inside are left untouched. THAT IS WHERE YOU ARE EXPECTED TO BE IN THE PICTURE FULLY. Not where you dont belong, or cannot make a difference in the first place.
Let the others excecute their plans. Do you think we have no oversight over what is going on? I can assure you : WE DO. Yet, you are where you're suppose to be. Your environment is part of where you suppose to be, what you agreed to do, and where that could be done to the very best.
Some stand out more then others, some need protection and lay low, YET ALL ARE WHERE THEY ARE FOR SPECIFIC REASONS, or we would be all means possible have made that clear to you some time ago. That includes those that struggle with certain things in life, even that is where you suppose to be. Perhaps late in the game, but whatever looks like a struggle, well contemplate on it, ask what it is you need to know about that, ask for assistance and do not move on untill you have found the solution. It is that important.
All is happening now in your life due to decisions and choices made before. Even those choices made quite some time ago on soul level before you incarnated now. Now the hen comes home to roost. So accept whatever happens, what you have trouble with, what does not seem to work, AND REALISE YOU MUST BE IN THE PICTURE YOURSELF to make the necessary changes and find your solutions, your balance, your answers, you way back to that Inner and Secure Connection, etc...
Only you being in the picture of your own world, your own situations, your own life, leading you to your balance, your moments of peace, stillness, nomatter what, will fill in the gaps, will make you do the things you enjoy doing, will bring you closest to your souls agreement, and when you see the world turning upside down and going the opposite way of where you thought it would have gone by now, it will not matter, since you will be occupied with WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW, AND WHAT YOU SUPPOSE TO DO, regardless of the chaos outthere.
Life goes on, you have heard people say when they lost somebody near and dear, AND IT DOES, only when you take responsability, when you step into your own picture and start creating from a connection with your Inner Self that will always Guide and Inspire you correctly.
Be you own sun, complete yourself, enjoy yourself, do what you know needs to be done, or take as long as it takes to figure things out, and then look outside. Your balance is most needed now, and when those questions inside are still lingering, look for answers first. When doubt is still there, work on getting the assurance you need, when you run around knowing you should change what you are doing, then make the change or confusion will eat you alive by your mind that thinks one thing, your heart tells you another and your spirit inspires you differently again. Put your house in order so all aligns very well, BE IN YOUR OWN PICTURE, and then you will know what to do and where to be.
That is one of the reasons I advised you to ask yourself : WHAT IS IT I NEED TO KNOW, and most have received some answers. When in turmoil still, then you need to make changes, look for answers, find your balance by at least what you think, what you say and what you do to be in perfect alignment. No tower can stand when foundations, the building and the top are not exactly fitting ontop of each other.
Some of you are afraid that people will accuse you of not fully participating when dissapearing for a while, doing your thing, following your Inner and Higher Self and Secure Connection that might lead you on to some side roads before joining the main highway again. I recommend you : do your thing until you KNOW all is in alignment again, and that you will know when you are happy and content and fulfilled to the max. We ask for no hero's to correct the wrongs, since all is part of a bigger plan, and I come to assure you, the plan works, the players do their thing, and you are welcome to join, but know what you are about before risking your neck.
Do not compare yourself with others, AS ALL ARE WHERE THEY DESERVE TO BE, OR SUPPOSE TO BE, IN THE CONDITION THEY NEED TO BE for their own souls evolution and purpose. Trust in that and you will see no struggles nor painful situations, ONLY OPPORTUNITIES TO GROW, TO STRENGHTEN YOURSELF, TO LEARN, TO MOVE ON, TO PROVE WHAT YOU ARE MADE OF. (Candace: NEVER compare yourself with others. CM once placed in the PJ's, that it is NONE of his business what others think of him! It is only his business what he thinks of himself, and that is good advice beloveds and it sustains me thru the many attacks I get on place like GLP and from those around me.)
Get the picture, My Beloved Children of Light? It is partly because of our Secure Connection, that this all was on the mind of this scribe when he asked me for help and answers, so he could assist his brothers and sisters at AH, all of you, better still, that I felt the need to come and explain and help you forward. We are in special times indeed and all is ripening until full fruitition, full maturity, all is a puzzle that has come to its last pieces, but we can only put those in place since we go by laws and a bigger understanding that will look like common sense, when you will witness things from the other side.
We are working hard and diligently to have those last pieces in place the very moment is is allowed by their own maturity, and that is the way it is, so enjoy yourselves by finding your balance first, being in your picture yourself and let it be. The steel is about to roll out of the oven, ready for the new construction. Make sure you have all your tools ready. Salu.
in Divine Love, Light and Service, Always and in All Ways,
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