Are You Going Faster Than the Speed of Life?

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By Nanice Ellis
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World

Has stress, overwhelm or anxiety got you down?  You may be moving faster than the speed of life!

Have you ever wondered why the faster you try to get things done, the more mishaps occur? Could it be that sometimes you actually “get ahead of yourself”? And you move too fast for your own good?

There is a natural rhythm to the Universe and when we are in sync with this rhythm, life unfolds seamlessly. But when we try to force it, and rush toward a destination or goal, we actually move faster than the speed of life. Getting out of sync with life and its natural rhythm often results in a myriad of challenges and issues. So, if your life is chaotic or you are stressed out, tired, fragmented, anxious, confused or things are breaking all around you, chances are, you are moving faster than the speed of life.
