Are You Ready for a Spiritual Revolution? – Part 1/2

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By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

If we want to create a new system out of the ashes of the old, we should think about the role we’ll play in creating it.

We should figure out what we can do right now to reflect the paradigm shift the world needs, and we should remember that if we continue to be angry, greedy or judgmental, a new world will be impossible because we’ll fail create it from within.

Any changes we’re able to make will be nullified shortly after, because we’ll fail to heal the underlying cause of the world’s broken condition; namely, the anger and greed we’ll continue to sustain.

A Few Questions

There are a few questions we should ask ourselves if we really want to change the world.

The first is if we’re committed to what will undoubtedly be a stressful, strenuous process that will stretch us to the limit.

The second is if we’re willing work with people whom we consider different or whose presence might make us uncomfortable. Even the most enlightened person may still have latent prejudices they haven’t addressed, and addressing them is a crucial step in bringing the world together.

The third is if we’re willing to forego the comforts provided by the system. As oppressive as the system is, it provides a lot of things people think they can’t go without.


The system fosters dependence by providing things we need and things we think we need, and we’ll have to give up some of our creature comforts if we’re going to create something new.


We’ll have to be self-sufficient; grow our own food and provide ourselves with what the system currently provides for us. Any help it gives the masses now will stop when the revolution picks up, and this will require us to be strong and self-sustainable.

We’ll have to rely on ourselves and each other to not only make it through the difficult conditions we may have to deal with in the beginning, but to create a fairer system that will eventually provide what we lost when the previous one fell. Or, maybe we won’t create a new system at all.

We may be sustainable enough by then that we don’t need something new to provide what we already have, and we’ll be glad we took the leap and learned to provide our own needs and comforts.

Revolution of Love

The most important question we can ask ourselves if we truly want revolution is how much love we can give to mankind. This might not seem important to most activists, but the revolution I intend to help create is a revolution of love.

It’s a spiritual revolution manifested out of the need for a better world where our rights our honored, which includes the right to experiment with our consciousness and formulate a personalized religion that frees us to explore higher states of awareness in whatever way works for us.

“You can find religion in the freedom you choose.” – Ziggy Marley

This will be a revolution of human potential where we finally realize what we can do. It will reveal to us that we don’t need the government, big banks or multinational corporations to run every aspect of our lives, and then, our eyes will be open to the ways we’ve been lied to and manipulated.

Continued in part 2 tomorrow (read full post here).
