Transmissions from The Earth Allies
Unconditional Love is the Real love of God….and the Truth in Higher thought or higher dimensions of consciousness…Ego cannot go we truly connect with the One consciousness from within, Ego disappears, ceases to exist.
So lets take a look at some of the qualities of an ego and true love for they cannot exist together. The ego has set up belief systems we can also call BS for convenience,
within the realms of higher thought there are not any belief systems, only openness and honesty without any filters, in truth, unlimited thought with no boundaries. Love never judges, condemns, controls or puts things in any order, the ego however, blames, criticizes, separates, puts importance on something outside of self and has neat little boxes to compartmentalize everything instead of seeing
everything wholistically. The ego always is looking for answers outside and then demands proof, while real love requires no proof it allows, accepts, and embraces from within and see's all whole and perfect as it is. The ego is unable to change, it is static, inconsistent, defends as if there were something to defend and dictates that the ego's way is the only way. When in truth unconditional love and the true being are the only way through. Love always offers knowledge of SELF to empower others and continues consistently to practice love in
action as an example, ego can only offer the illusion of love for the true being of love is always in the present, while ego is in the past and the future. Love always tells the truth no matter what, and ego always runs from the truth, because it cannot exist any longer when truth is presented. Nor can ego even "see" the truth because it has no clue what real is and so it "forces" and justifies its stance, as well as it can be very subtle and appear as real love, however ego is unable to grow and change as in love its constant growth and change.
Love is transforming and brings about equality for all. In closing true death is the letting go of the ego, so the space can then be filled with joy of the true inner being. The more of the Love energy we bring in is when the body begins transforming itself into
ETERNITY. Love is all there is, Love is the answer… with love from the true being. We are all
one when the ego is released.
Love The Earth Allies
''Intuitive truth, by its
Whats the truth?
Hi motherfathergod. I am confused about this Ascension process. I read on Denise Le Fays blog that
when you are ascending to the 5:th dimension, you are then leaving your body. Denise wrote that those who are ready, are going to ascend to the 5:th dimension in september this year (leaving the body) , and that we are going to meet our galactic brothers and sisters now in september. That people are going to split into different worlds and those in the 5th dimension are going to be invisible to the people in the 3rd. But you can always manifest yourself in a "body" if you want to meet and help those who still are in the 3rd.
And others say that this is all about higher consciousness, that we are still going to be here with our bodies and that we are going to create a new world and that the worlds are not going to split in that sense that we 5:th dimensional beings are not going to se 3rd dimensional beings. Its just that a person with a 5th dimensional consciousness have a higher understanding.
And others say that the higher beings are preparing, for those who are going to ascend, light cities and buildings in "another higher dimensional world".
And others say that we and the planet already are in the 5th dimension? Im sorry, but all this is confusing for me. All are saying different things. Whats the truth? Are we going to leave our body and meet our galactic brothers and sisters in september, like Denise are saying?
Love you and thank you for this site, this site has change my life completely! =D