Ariah Velasquez ~ Shine Bright Like a Diamond ~ 12 February 2013

Lia's picture

As we access more and more who we really are through the recurring intent of taking in  light, we shine quite brightly I must say! The glow we see coming out of ourselves and those awakening is not just from healthy foods. It is also from the taking in light as food with conscious intent.

The diamond light frequency is powerful for your evolution, your light body, and healing.  For many years, I have used this frequency to realign, and I have offered it to clients as an option to stay in balance.  The diamond light is a vehicle to connect you to your most highest self.  When visualizing the diamond light above you and then entering your body, you are essentially experiencing this merge as a 5th dimensional being.  Visualizing = happening when their is enough of a powerful charge attached to the vision.


Your soul matrix, (the place where the soul anchors), is also shaped like a diamond, so when you align with diamond energy, it helps your blueprint align with the true nature of your soul’s highest intent. You also create a grid of energy that hold the frequency of diamond light, which is quite pure in it’s actual essence.  You do not need physical diamonds to experience the diamond, you only need your thought and intent to.

The result of allowing this diamond light in is not only a blissful feeling inside, but it has a clearing effect, and tunes you up, like an instrument.  I first learned this technique from one of my first teachers, Amorah Quan Yin, many years ago, and I have used it almost every day since. Here is a way to access the diamond light activation below:

Diamond Light Meditation:

Ground yourself by visualizing a deep violet cord of light coming out of your lower chakra (either 1st or 2nd). See this cord of light going deep into the Earth Star Crystal in the center of the Earth.

Next, call forth the Overlighting Deva of Diamond light to join you.

See the diamond octahedron above your crown.  Now welcome the diamond like to come into your crown.

See it moving down the spine until it hits the tailbone. Now send a little down the legs, and let the diamond light curl up the center of the body.

When it reaches the shoulders, see a little bit spill down the arms and then let it complete it’s cycle up the center of the neck and face.

Let it begin again and now imagine you have a switch next to this floating diamond that says manual or automatic. Switch it to automatic and intend that this diamond energy run on automatic for as long as your body needs it.

This will give you an energy boost, and as long as you are balanced in your diet as well, and keeping your thoughts towards joy, you will emanate the glow of your true self daily when including this practice.  I share this today because I think it is important not to just deliver information, but also practical tools on how to live life as your higher self.  These tools I share are precious to me.

Hope this helps! With much love,


Ariah Velasquez

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