Aries new moon 2013 Expect the Unexpected

Lia's picture

By Lucie


The exact time for aries new moon 2013 is wednesday,april 10 2013,9:35am GMT and it is this particular new moon that marks the start of something entirely new.the aries mooncycle brings in an overload of new and sudden impulses pushing the individual self into unknown territory and the many sudden impulses are not to be taken lightly because they might even cause a big shakeup on a personal level as well.this is a time to expect the unexpected and to practice alertness as we get bombarded by much more irritation than usual!one star (the sun) plus 4 planets are dominant in mars' homesign and this powerful aries stellium is like an unstoppable force rushing recklessly towards its aim.
the new moon astrochart shows a double up unity between the strong male and the equally strong female,one pair is venus at 23 aries conjunct mars at 22 aries next to the other pair,sun (male energy) and moon (female energy) in 20 aries.the twofold coming together of the new feminine and the new masculine reestablishes an intense union between the two opposite sexes while one might also say that fast forward feminine love energy beside masculine strenght act as the leading initators.the sign of aries is often referred to as courage,warriorenergy,unexpected moves and strong determination,but now with 5 celestial bodies in aries,we have to deal with ALOT of kickass energy and overwhelmingly fast action orchestrated by the overruling male-female principle coming one in a new way.the emphasis on lots of movement and activity during the moonphase of aries implies that we feel like a ball shoot all over the place in the pinballmachine whereas the ball represents the newly birthed individual embodying the unification of the wild masculine and the passionate feminine.

while we are affected by so much warriorenergy deriving from aries we are also under the influence of an extraordinary five-pointed star geomatrix expressing the presence of absolute equilibrium in the macrocosmos.the purpose behind the sacred geometrical designs ongoingly occuring at keymoments such as new/full moon and solstice/equinox is to make us capable to reach a higher vibrational and more ideal state of existence.i am also convinced that the current increase in sacred geometry activates each one of us sothat we find superb balance by focusing on the macrocosmos in contrast to the very demanding play of life in the microcosmos that is extremely unpredictable during the lunar cycle of,key to peace of mind is the ultimate balance created by the pentagonal geometry unfolding via uranus at 9 aries sextile jupiter at 13 gemini inconjunct retro saturn at 9 scorpio sextile pluto in capricorn semi-sextile chiron in 11 pisces semi-sextile back at uranus.uranus in aries stands for a strong desire to liberate and enhance the identity of the groupspirit and in alliance with outstanding jupiter,the most wanted transformation of the collective goes hand in hand with a huge amount of idealistic mindsets.eventually,the bond between uranus and jupiter underlines the undercover-presence of otherworldy laws (backward saturn in scorpio at the top of the YOD).the unrecognized spiritual laws symbolic for retro saturn and irrational deep woundings associated with chiron uphold pluto in capricorn sothat the deep truth about life-governing systems gets more attention.
if we can keep our focus on the bigger picture we can easily remain at peace despite all the harshness that is upon us!

new moon meditation starts around 9:00am GMT and lasts till around 10:15am GMT.
